Lakewater 1A (Tandem)

This course can be scheduled for you or your group at any time. Give us a call to confirm your reservation!

This course introduces canoeists to the exciting and refined world of flatwater paddling where you will learn how to control each and every motion that your canoe makes. The ORCA Lakewater level 1A (Tandem) courses focuses on teaching you flatwater precision paddling skills with lots of practice to help you to achieve perfection!

Equipment Required

Feel free to bring any other personal equipment including paddle(s) and PFD that you have. This may help make your course more enjoyable.

Course Administration

Contact PMH Outdoors for more information.

Other Lakewater Courses

ORCA Lakewater Level 1B (solo) and Level 2 (advanced solo skills) are available upon request.


Relax while you paddle in style!
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