Regulations for the Control of
Traffic of Vessels and Boats
within the Waters of Bermuda
in Time of War.

  The Examination Anchorage referred to in the following Regulations is shewn [sic] on Admiralty Chart No. 867. It is south-east of a line drawn north 21 east (true) from St. David�s Head Lighthouse through the north extreme of the cliffs of St. David�s Head.

2. The Ship Channel mentioned in this Notice is the channel at the north-east end of the Islands leading from Five Fathom Hole inwards.
1. All vessels approaching to Bermuda with the intention of entering any port or anchorage within these Islands are to proceed to the Examination Anchorage and remain there until communicated with by the CHIEF EXAMINING OFFICER and no vessel will be allowed to enter the Ship Channel until instructions have been given by this Officer as to entering.

2. The steamer carrying the CHIEF EXAMINING OFFICER will display-

   (a) BY DAY -A blue ensign, and at the foremost head the special pilot flag (blue ground, red and white square in middle with white uppermost.)

   When the entrance to the Ship Channel is closed, three red balls will be hoisted in addition. Three red balls also will be hoisted at Fort George.

   This steamer will, when meeting an incoming vessel, also hoist the international code signal �stop instantly.�

   (b) BY NIGHT. Three red lights vertically, 6 feet apart. This signal is also hoisted at fort George.

3. At night and in a fog, inward bound vessels are prohibited from proceeding further than the Examination Anchorage.
  No vessel will be allowed to proceed to sea from any Port or Anchorage, until she has a written pass signed either by the Chief, or one of the Assistant Detaining Officers, and has received from one of them, instructions as to leaving.

   The Chief Deataining Authority is the Receiver General, and the Assistant Detaining Authorities are the Harbour Masters at Hamilton and St. George�s for these ports respectively.
1. Ship-owners and local agents are warned that their vessels should be acquainted with the above Regulations and cautioned to conform strictly to them. Any failure on the part of a master to do so will render his vessel liable to be treated as hostile.

2. During time of ear or national emergency, ship-owners and local agents should give due notice to the Colonial Secretary of the expected date of arrival of their vessel, stating particulars of appearance, tonnage, &c., to facilitate recognition by the Examining Officers.

3. All vessels are required to take a licensed pilot on board before attempting to enter island channels or harbours.
1. Local vessels may continue their usual occupation in the internal waters of the Colony during both day and night subject to their complying with any directions given by the King�s Harbour Master or the Examining Officers at St. George�s or Hamilton.

2. Such directions will be published in the local press, and exhibited as Notice to Mariners at the Custom-house and all local police stations.

3. No vessel will be allowed to approach any Government ship, vessel, lighter, or other Government craft, or any Government dockyard, wharf, or establishment, without special pemission. Vessels infringing this rule are liable to be fired on.

4. All vessels underway at night are to display the necessary navigation lights, and every boat of any description must indicate her presence by having a light of some sort exhibited.

5. Any further regulations for traffic which may be found necessary after the promulgation of the Proclomation bringing the foregoing traffic regulations into force will be made public by means of Notices to Mariners signed by the King�s Harbour Master.
  His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government having proclaimed that a state of war exists between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Germany, and His Excellency having further proclaimed martial law in these Islands, the following persons are hereby required to serve as extra constables, and are commanded to present themselves forthwith to the nearest Justice of the Peace for the purpose of taking the necessary oaths, and for receiving instructions, and this notice shall be authority for any Justice of the Pace to swear in as extra constables the persons named hereunder.

   The persons named hereunder in the parishes of Pembroke, St. George�s, Somerset, and in the Island of St. David�s shall, after taking the oaths as extra constables, forthwith report themselves at the police stations at
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