Treatment of Cri du Chat

As of now there is no gene therapy to help these types of chromosomal abnormalities. The medical problems that result from the disease can be treated well, so the treatment focuses on enhancing physical, sensory and social development. A early program including physiotherapy, speech and occupational therapy, will be extremely beneficial. Since most children experience severe speech problems, the early introduction of sign language and a pictoral symbol system is very beneficial. Older children who have not acquired adequate speech may be helped with an electronic communication device.

Click on one of these to go to another part of the site

1. Click here to learn the symptoms of Cri du Chat
2. Click here to how the gene is inherited and on what chromosome it is located
3. Click here to see how to detect the disorder
4. Click here to see the frequency it occurs within the population
5. Click here to go to other websites that have information on Cri du Chat
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