GordeonBleu Portraits Navigation
studio:margin - digital illustrations and web comics
Web Coding
html workshop - xhtml/css/javascript
imagine - whimsical poetry
storycorner - short fiction stories
Panoramic Photography
panorama diorama - panoramic photography
Dream Journal
dreamworld - night dreams journal
About Me
profile about me
Pencil Drawings
scribbles - pencil drawings
Prints, Tees, and Website Portfolio
folio - prints, tees, and website projects
Contact Me
talk to me
miscellaneous uncategorized pages
Site Links
GordeonBleu iPod Edition
iPod edition of this website from 2006
Switch Skin
switch lights off
Switch Skin Back
switch lights back on

GordeonBleu. Now with more legroom.
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--November 22, 2008--
10 years ago on this day, a little site ultimately to be known as GordeonBleu was born on the Internet. Much has changed since that time, both in my life and in the world around me. To commemorate, and as a nod to the ongoing Internet evolution towards online experiences on the mobile platform, I've created a mobile version of the front page of this site in homage. You can reach it at ocf.berkeley.edu/~gordeon/mini.

--October 13, 2008--
Dreamworld is one of the oldest legacy pages that I've been meaning to overhaul for a while, but the momentous task of manually rebuilding the sheer volume of dreams from over half a decade was something I never had any free time to do. I spent a few days on the work shuttle moving the dreams over up until early 2006, where the public part of my dream book ends. They can now be found in syndicated form as an RSS feed. The remaining dreams to 2008 will remain unreleased for now, until I find the spare time to append those to the file.

--September 21, 2008--
I took the time to manually format every saved announcements archive into the proper XML for an RSS feed. You can subscribe to it here.

--December 27, 2007--
I have finally found the time to implement a little lightswitch (stylesheet switcher) that I'd been planning to put here for a little over a year now. I've had fun with stylesheet switchers on places like the Links section here, and on the OCF site, but now it's time to give my personal page a touch of it too.

--November 22, 2007--
GordeonBleu, my personal digital creation here, turns 9 today, and to celebrate, I've finally taken the time to rewrite the underlying image map code with a CSS version. I had changed over all my other old pages to W3C compliance last year, with the exception of the most visible of them all, the front page ironically. The old HTML image map was the holdup, and I had been planning this since last year. This is the last of the legacy pages to make that switch.

Updates have slowed to a crawl here, as I have been redirecting my spare time resources to various web projects for friends, the closing year of college, and life in general. I don't want to be forced to close shop as I have seen happen to numerous other personal sites across the interweb, and I hope not to ever let that happen here. Enjoy the holidays, and thanks for sticking with me.

Earlier updates here.

Recent Activity: Monstercyb.org | Berkeley Project | SFYPF | OCF

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© 1998-2008. GordeonBleu. The Works of Gordon Mei.
Dedicated to my dear friend Brianna Lee.

And with great gratitude to Tommy Triebwasser and all my dear friends and family.

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