
Art on this page provided by Jared M. Jones!

Original Uniform

When the Red Raven first returned to the surface world, he wore a simple red body suit along with membranous bat-like wings styled after the wings of Cheiros. The wings were completely concealable beneath a traditional 1940 business suit with nothing to hint at their presence.

The Red Raven's wings are artificial, he is only human afterall. His wings and costume emit anti-gravitons (according to the Handbook) that repel regular gravitons, i.e. they make him resist gravity, but they do so only by his mental command. He can also control the movement of the wings mentally, as they enable him to control his flight. His top flight speed is 140 mph (again, according to the Handbook). His wings have a great resistance to injury (they are bulletproof) and can hit with impressive concussive force.

Liberty Legion Uniform

As member of the Liberty Legion in the mid-1940s, Red Raven wore a more super-hero styled costume with a full skullcap and feathered wings. The bird-like wings have been shown firing beams of unknown energy from the wing-tip.

Modern Uniform

When he was revived in the modern age, Red Raven adopted a costume nearly identical to his Legion uniform, but with a more contemporary twist - visible hair. He has also worn this costume with this original bat-like wings.

Alternate Costume

He wore an alternate costume during an attack on a New York jail, but this may have been prototype battle armor. He used a simple warclub with this uniform, perhaps a precurser to the warclub with the battle armor.

Battle Armor

This battle armor, along with matching warclub, appears to increase the Red Raven's abilities greatly. A non-trained human wearing the armor flew at amazing speed within a confined area and demonstrated superhuman strength. Additionally, the wings have what appear to be mounted weapons that could allow for greater targeting ability during flight.


Vital Information

Designation: Unrevealed
Legal Status: deactivated android
Creator: Unrevealed
First Appearance: X-Men Vol. 1 #44, [other appearances] Sub-Mariner Vol. 1 #26, Marvel Super-Heroes Vol.2 #8 (destroyed when industrial cable and pipe is thrust through torso)
Height: 6'
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Unrevealed
Powers and abilities: Unrevealed
Costume: Identical to the real Red Raven's Liberty Legion uniform with his original batwings. These wings have also been shown to fire blasts of energy from the wing-tip.

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