





The Big Gob





Links to other websites

Modern links | Historical links | Sci-Fi and Fantasy links | Miscellaneous links | Link to GOBNET

Modern Links

Ztum-Setum: http://www.hodgenet.co.uk/Ztum-Setum/index.htm Details on the AK47 campaign being waged in Ztum-Setum by the South East Scotland Wargames Club

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Historical Links

Too Fat Lardies: www.toofatlardies.com Games company with an interest in "playing the period not the rules"

Simply Civil War: www.simplycivilwar.co.uk UK site selling American Civil War memorabilia, books and battlefield guides

Warflags: www.warflag.com Hundreds of printable flags for many periods

Major General Tremorden Rederring's Colonial site: zeitcom.com/majgen/ An oustanding Colonials website

Savage and Soldier Online: www.dnai.com/~soongliu/SavageAndSoldier/ Online archive of articles from Savage and Soldier magazine

Alternative Armies for SHAKO: dove.net.au/~blegg/AltArmy.htm Alternative armies and even fictional armies for Shako

Wargames Forum: www.wargames.co.uk A commercial site that has a good bring and buy section and links to many other sites

BY JINGO: members.spree.com/sip/byjingo/web/index.htm Quirky colonial site. Quite graphics intensive

Piece of Eight's Pirate's Den: home.swbell.net/seacast/pirate.html Biographies of major pirates and some of the historical background including maps.

Fire and Fury: pease1.sr.unh.edu/1/FnF/ Many extras for Fire and Fury including a points system and scenarios, but the maps provided do leave something to be desired

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Sci-Fi and Fantasy Links

Gob Stats: www.geocities.com/gobstats GOB's Warhammer leagues and ranking listing

The Unofficial Full Thrust WWW Page: www.uwm.edu/~cthulhu/FT/index.htm Links and resources including a ship builder and ship plans

Warhammer Fantasy Battle Links:

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Misc Links

Wargames World Hobby Articles: http://www.wargamesworld.com Wargames World Hobby Pages including articles on painting and basing fantasy, sci-fi & historical miniatures, gaming scenarios, terrain making and tactics articles.

Battlegames Home: www.battlegames.co.uk/index.htm Has a rather useful list of wars by century. Worth a visit.

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