





The Big Gob





(Be)Little(d) Wars

By Gary Lyon

Some conflicts that didn't quite make the front pages.

Potato War 1778-79
Otherwise known as the "War of Bavarian Succession" it achieved the more interested name because little actually fighting happened between the Austrian and Prussian sides as the starving soldiers were too busy foraging.
Pig War 1904 -09
What started as a customs dispute with Serbia importing French munitions and Austria (who lost the valuable trade) retaliating by banning imports of Serbian pork eventually also involved Russia and Germany and very nearly resulted in the First World War starting early.
War of the Axe 1846 - 47
The British invaded Kaffirland to force the Xhosa tribe to hand over several wanted men (one of whom was accused of stealing an axe) and eventually annexed the territory.
War of Jenkin's Ear 1739-43
Perhaps better known (but less interestingly) as the "War of Austrian Succession" the British claimed that Captain Jenkin's ship (and ear) were taken by Spanish coastguards and declared war. It is not recorded what steps the British would have taken if the Spanish had done something really serious, like being unkind to a dog.
War of the Three Sanchos 1068
Sancho II of Castille attacked his cousin Sancho IV of Navarre who summoned Sancho I of Aragon to help him. El Cid (no relation, but call me Sancho) also got involved somewhere along the line.

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