The taste of the sweets,   lingering in my mouth  was suddenly bitter.  THESE PEOPLE WERE TRYING TO BRIBE ME !!
"No"  I said to myself, "I will not succumb to their  'PULL's ".

In the morning, I emptied a full bottle of Castor oil into my stomach, to wash out all those sweets;
only to realise in the later part of the day,   that I had eaten the sweets in my dreams,
and had drunk the castor oil after waking up !!!

It was a horrible day.  And ended into a horrible night.

I woke up.  Had a bath, and stood before a full length mirror. 
What I saw there,  gave me a shock of my life.

My whole body was

I first checked the mirror..  ..  ..But it was clean and

why was my body so irregularly elongated ?
As if it had been pulled from all possible angles ??
Pulled ??
That's it.
These students  applying  'pulls'  through every available friend and relative of mine .. .. and me refusing to get pulled along !

No !  No !
I couldn't allow this torture on my body.

After all,  they are 
my friends  and my relatives.
must favour them a little.

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