Gundam Mutant Pilots RPG





Bases & Ships






Hiromi "Raiden" Copress
Born on earth, the first Mutant born natuarley. At the age of 12 he joined an elite group of commandoes known as Trident. Their he honed his combat skills and earned the codename Raiden, a name he has kept since. During this time he piloted his first mobile suit, and the love of that experiance never left him. At around 18  the group disbanded and Hiromi was left on his own. From their he went into the mercanary buissness. Three months later he joined the rogues guild, a very loose alliance of mercs. Now 21, he continues his fight, loking for a cause, for the right price of course.

Spike Spiegal
He grew up on colony L2 and live a pretty normal childhood. He took the marshal art Jeet Kune Do from a young age. He then started to study mobile suites and then wanted to be a pilot of one. He then meet a man, Guy Harris. The man was a mechanic and lived kind of secludedly. Spike found the mans work shop and asked him about mobile suites. He was chased off several time by the old man. Finally he got threw to him and the man just let Spike join him. He helped out around the shop, learned how to operate, build and fix mobile suites. Guy finally showed him a mobile suite that he had for a while and was always working on. He then gave the mobile suite to Spike. He told him that he need to take the suite and leave. Go chase his dream like the old man never did.

James Fox
Joined TOZ at a young age trying to take them down from the inside learned they were developing a new mobile suit and stole it from them and now fights for peace.

Alpha Newburg
Known as the new Albert Eienstien, Alpha Newburg was the world's smartest man.  His mind became so strong from his unknown ability, Phycic, he later learned of this power and now uses it in everyday tasks to make it stronger.  He was a Gundam designer and his great great grandfather discovered Gundanium Aloid.  At the age of 22 he was in a horrible accident.  A cult rescued him, he remembered nothing.  The cult used this and brain washed him to be a leader of there Gundam Force:  Hell Gods, he was givin the Sazabi to control and use to help destroy anyone that dares mess with the Hell Gods.

Rikimaru Ashitaku
He was living on Side 7 when the Zeon attacked it. His father was killed by the Zeon. Shortly after the attack Rikimaru and his records turned up missing. Also the newly developed Gundam X has dissapeared from the dicimated Side 7 colonies. He has vowed vengence on his fathers death and he vowed to the Earth Federation that he will rid the universe of the Dutchy of Zeon.

Nate Shogun
Made to fight,Nate has been known for ruthlessness in battle.He has had blood on his hands and he likes that.Nate is hated by many and loved by few.And now he is just trying to find a way to exist

Kal Dragko Lawson
Little is known about Kal Lawson because he usually keeps his life to himself, but is known for loving a good fight. He and his Mobile Suit are one as they try  to fulfill a quest for peace through out all colonies

Zero Crokane
History:Enjoys pushing himself into extreme situations in order to heighten his skill.Also considers the lives of those who work with him to be next to invaluable and will do anything to protect them.Remains composed in battle.

Michael Both

Born on Side Three, Michael Both always wanted to be a Mobile Suit pilot. He quickly recieved this task when he joined the Duchy of Zeon. He quickly soared its ranks. His Superiors saw great potential in him, so they inhibited him into The Devil Gundam Project. He was scientiffically grafted with Mind Control powers so he would be able to truely pull out his suit's potential.

Jun Kazama
Born on Earth, she was geneticaly altered at the age of 6, giving her the mutant abilities she possesses. A former member of Trident, she served under Hiromi several times before the group disbanded, she was one of the few that could call him a friend. After the groups disbanding, she was recruited into the Earth Federation and became an ace. Now, at the age of 19, she fights as she sees fit.

Terry Bogart
Terry is always bored so he always walks around the city but could always sense something strange as he walked past some big warehouse. Then one day curiosity got the better of me. I scaled the building on the gutters and i jumped through a window. Then i fell about 10 feet to a ramp floor of the room wishing i hadn't. Then this small dog came up barking, then all of a sudden i did my little mind control thing and made it scrathc out it's eyes. I then saw a huge shadow in the middle of the room and said "heh heh light switch... darn I wish i didnt kill that dog maybe he could have told me where it was." Then after walking a bit I accidently walked into the light switch, and that hurt because it poked me in the face. I flicked the swicth and that tuyrned on alot of lights (and it was really bright after the darknes) "so I was like ow, the light." Then I saw a big old dusty mobile suit in the center of the room. I then said"cool" and owndered to myself if I could jump from where I was standing to the cocpit. And then curisoity got the better of me. I lunged of the ramp of course missing the cockpit misserably, falling onto a huge pil;e of soiled matresses. I got up wising I hadn't done that either. I then crawled up the suit, got into the cockpit and turned it on. The suit powered on and made a cool funky noise. The first thing I saw was a joystick. And curiosity got the better of me. I moved the joystick back, pushed a button activating the Buster Gun blowing open the door of the warehouse and said "oh shit" and flew home tor Ryu's garage where he was building his Gundam. The End

Ryu Hoshi
Ryu was always a good kid until he decided to sneak out of his house and go to an MC Hammer concert. The concert was going good with Hammer singing his Can't Touch this song when a terrible dissaster struck. A millitary helicopter was flying overtop, and accidently dropped a container of Nulclear waste. Luckily Hammer was already a has been and only 2 people were at the concert. Ryu and his best buddy Terry. The waste fell on them and started to mutate them. After the stinging and the melting ended Ryu emerged glowing and discovered by accidently causing MC Hammer to sing on his head that he could control peoples minds and make them do stuff. Ever since then Ryu has been building his Gundam and perfecting his Psychic abilities.

Cyrus Non
Cyrus is a 18 year old guy with black hair and blackeyes.  He was born on the same night his dad waskilled in a zeonic attack.  At the age of ten he discovered that he could manipulate what other people thought and did (he found this by getting the teacher to cancel a spelling test).  He has been training this power every chance he got since that time.  A year ago he found the Neue Ziel in a hanger near his house surrounded by 5 zeon soldiers.  Using a very easy amount of power he tricked the soldiers into firing at each other and stole the mobile armour.  He then
signed up with the Earth Federation for the express purpose of hurting the people who killed his dad........

Flame Fire
Mutant history: This muntant destroied towns and villages.He is now piolting a gundam and plans to kill all who get in his way. He is strong and hates all who oppose him.

Jake Starburn
Mutant History:Jake is mutant that doesn't like to take orders and prefers to do what he feels he should do.One day when he was sitting on the docks he noticed a group of teenager sneaking into one of the warehouses and followed them.They started having a party in front of a mobile suit and got drunk until they pastout.Jake decided to steal the suit since he thought those teenagers didn't deserve it.After hiding the mobile suit he decided to start training tomorow.He kept training until he knew everthing about the suit.One day when he was ready to leave with the suit the same group of teenagers came to get the suit back but were scared off when Jake attacked them with the Gaia Gear Alpha.After the minor setback he left with the Gaia Gear Alpha to become a gundam pilot

Uzi Hyre
Uzi always would try to figure who he really is. He was born and raised on Earth however, Uzi never liked earth. After murdering his family Uzi stole a spaceship from TOZ and flew to L2. After learning that Uzi is a mutant created by the great scientists Tragos Uzi had changed. Uzi stole the gundam Physalis from a secret TOZ bas and now uses it to wreak havok every where.

Jake Solaris "Shadowgunner"
Jake is a bounty hunter, working for the highest
bidder. Year earlier, he was an EF pilot, and one of the first to be injected with
mutant DNA. While on a mission, his partner attacked him and left him for dead. Jake recovered and found out that his partner was ordered by the EF to kill him. Enraged, he took his damaged suit and attacked them. Though he was nearly killed again, he escaped with a new suit, the God Gundam. He left for space, and has been doind whatever he can to make money ever since. He lives for the day when he can finally get his revenge.

Scarth Dyoshi
Scarth Dyoshi was once a ruthless and vicious cerial killer. However, after the kidnap, torture, rape, and murder of his only true love
Crystal and betrayal by his best friend Tyran Scarth finally relized how unstable his life was. Scarth decided to carry out his own form of justice and eliminate all of his old rival syndicates. Scarth killed his superiors and took over his own organization and began a crime war that lasted for several years. During a supply raid, Scarth hijacked a new prototype being developed by a civilian contractor. Renaming the G-3 to Devil's Bane, Scarth formed a loose alliance with the EF. With his new allies, Scarth took the upper hand in the war and began to slowly eliminate all his rivals. Now only one stands in his way, his old friend Tyran, now an officer in TOZ.
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