What kept you going as teenagers?
J: Food
S: Something small but generally kept me going through to dinner
J: Like a �Milky Way� or something, that wasn�t too filling
S: Well I don�t like chocolate I�d go for maybe half a bag of crisps
J + W: Half a bag?
J: Toast
S: I never found I needed to keep going through being a teenager�..
N: Teatra
S: Which is my word for teenager, I never found it that much of a problem, I realise now as a semi-adult that it�s much better being a teenager in terms of stress and things like that.

What do you think about the up and coming bands like Hell Is For Heroes, Hundred Reasons and bands like that?
J: I don�t think anything because I never get to hear them
N: We�re not really in to that music anymore, I don�t mind it��.
J: The only way I used to hear about new bands was on MTV2 but I haven�t got that anymore so I don�t get to hear them.
S: Crappy excuse
S: If he doesn�t like a question he not only doesn�t answer it he answers the question 3 questions ago.
S: Shall we go through our bands?
N: Cure, Doves
S: Smiths
J: I�m not going to mention any of mine

If you could be in anyone�s shoes for a day who�s would they be?
J: George Bush, the army is redundant, I�d like to be George Bush�s shoes actually
S: I don�t know, I�m sure there�s something intelligent I can say.
N: I�d like to be Tony Blair to see how many times he wanks over pictures of George W Bush
S: I can�t think of anyone
J: (in a joking tone of voice) You�re just happy being you aren�t you, you don�t want to be anyone else and we don�t want you to be anyone else, we like you the way you are.
S: That�s very LA

What do you think about bands like Pop stars the Rivals and bands like that?

S: I feel pretty neutral towards it coz things like that people get annoyed about but it kills itself off pretty quickly It�s not gonna do any harm to any real musicians I don�t think. I don�t have a problem with pop music or anything like that although the quality of music isn�t that good, it sells records and it allows record companies to invest in other types of music they wouldn�t be able to afford otherwise. It�s why bands like us have record deals it would be nicer if the quality of music was better but it�s never going to happen.

Who have been the best and worst bands you have supported?
N: Pattern
J: What about the worst?
K: Inme?
S: We haven�t supported them yet.
M: Have you ever heard their music? I actually came here for them.
(Sounds of shock from the band and Winona and Keshena)
N: I�m surprised anyone actually remembers us it�s about a year since we last did a tour.
J: I forgot about us this morning

What�s your favorite Crackout song?

S: It would be one of the new ones
J: Mines �Robot Song�
S: It�s actually called �Robots Have Feelings� Jack
J: I got �Robot Song� coz I can�t fit that many words in my head
S: Mines �Weights� or �Freaking All Night�
J: We hate all our old stuff
S: Absolutely, it�s because we feel we�ve moved so far away from the first record
M: Why did you produce them then if you don�t like them?
S: Well we did like them at the time
N: I don�t think most musicians don�t like listening to their stuff
S: If it�s good I can really listen to our own stuff, I can enjoy it. I listened to �Weights� and I was singing it in the bank.
N: Once you�ve gone through a proper process of making an album and all the mixing, mastering then after 6 months you just get bored of it.
S: I think it would be great to be in a band that as soon as it comes out it is at full maturity, like Coldplay when they came out they were fully mature and ready at their peak from the point it started but I don�t think we were.

Do you like Hola Hoopes?

S: Yeah, they�re good
K: What flavour?
J: Salt and Vinegar
S: I like salt and vinegar but I do quite like the plain ones. I�ll tell you something disgusting, when I was a kid and I used to eat hola hoopes they used to be in clear plastic bags not foil�.
J: I don�t ever remember Salt and Vinegar hola hoopes when I was a kid.
S: (Carrying on with his story) We only used to get plain but I said �I want salt and vinegar� so I used to pour vinegar in to my crisps and I used to absolutely love them.
K: Have you heard of a band called James?
Band: Yeah
K: I asked the lead singer out of James the same question and he was allergic to wheat,
S: You could say something like I�m allergic to wheat and a couple of my family have died then you�d feel really bad.
M: My friend has sugar sandwiches
J: Nice
W: If you ever go to McDonalds dip your chips in the Mc Flurry that�s quite nice.
(Strange looks from band)
S: I quite like crisp sandwiches
W: Yeah, I purposely make crisp sandwiches
S: Salt and vinegar are the only ones that really work
J: A friend of mine has banana sandwiches
S: I used to have ketchup sandwiches when I was a kid and beatroot sandwiches
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