Have you always wanted to be in a band?
I guess so, I have played around with rock and roll since I was about 12 and I presumed I would end up in a band, I'm just really lucky that I can do it at this level.

Who inspired you to play guitar?
Well I started off playing the bass but that just got boring so I tought myself to play guitar instead, I don't think anyone in particular inspired me to play, at the time I started all I would listen to was Iron Maiden an Black Sabbath so i guess they are all to balme.

You toured with Weezer, how did it feel to tour with one of your favorite bands?

That was a real honour although I didn't really get to meet any of them, but the shows were really fun to do.

What has been the best gig you have ever played and why?
Well thats pretty tough to say because we really do have the habit of getting a lot better on each tour we do and the best gig we did on the last tour was at the Aldershot West End Centre, but things like the Reading festival show were just fantastic.

What was the first gig you ever went to?
When I was 10 I went to see Michael Jackson at Wembley, how credible and cool is that?

American or English bands?

Currently American because I really love the whole emo or whatever you want to call it thing, but for a band that have been gone I think British win hands down.

Are you against or for music being free from the internet eg Napster?

Very much for it, we were all big users before it was shut down, it was sad because all we wanted was to get to the satge were we had a hundred search results for Crackout but it never happened. I think we tried it once we got to about 80 at best.

What is your tip to anyone who wants to be in a band?

Do as many gigs as you can, don't be in a rush to get a record deal to early and make sure you have a good drummer.

If you could tour with anyone who would it be?

Well we had the best time ever on tour with the pattern so I'd love to do shows with the Cure aswell, I doubt we would go down that well though.

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