How long have you been playing drums?
Since I was 12 or 13.

Why did you start wearing suits on stage?

I always wore them for Crackout gigs. I've only not worn them about once or twice in our career when it was too hot.

How did you guys get together?

Steven and I were at school together.

If you weren't in a band what would you be doing?

A monk of some sort or a roadie.

Whats the best bit about being in a band?

Going on tour.

Whats the worst thing about being in a band?
Photo shoots and making videos.

Have you ever met anyone famous?

Are you going to play Reading this year?
Nothings been confirmed yet.

American or English bands?

Both have good and bad.

Do you prefere playing big or small gigs?

It's more a case of how good the audience.
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