Peter Gordon 11th Laird of Abergeldie
Eik of 1740
Gordons o' Girnoc
My Family - 'Camlet John'
The Girnoc Farms
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Gordon Tombstones

At Aberdeen the Eleventh day of March One thousand Seven hundredth and forty years In presence of Mr Robert Paterson Commissary of Aberdeen.

Margaret Foulls Relict of the Deceast Peter Gordon of Abergeldy and now Spouse to Harry Lumsden of Cushnie and who Being Executrix Confirmed to the Deceast Peter Gordon her former husband before the Commissary of Aberdeen upon the twenty Ninth day of November in the year One thousand Seven hundred and thirty five,

She with Consent of the said Harry Lumsden now her Husband hath Added, Eiked and Conjoined and hereby Adds, Eiks and Conjoins to the Sums of money formerly given up and Confirmed upon by her the
Sum of Nine pound Sterling as the worth and value of a yellow horse belonging to the said Deceast Abergeldy and Sold by her at the above price Like as the Commissary hath Accepted of the above Eik and Reserved Patrick Milne writer in Aberdeen Cautioner that the sum therein Contained Shall be made forthcoming to all having interest therein as Accords the Law Moreover the said Margaret Foulls and Harry Lumsden bind and oblige them to warrand free Relieve and Faithless keep their said Cautioner of his Cautionery above written and of all that may follow theron.
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