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Din-raisin wi' Donald
Gordons o' Girnoc
A poem about an 1825 Smuggling-ring by Dr Peter J. Gordon. Written July 2005
Din-raisin wi� Donald

Tarbrax by the high road tae Forfar
Donald Mcpherson far fae Bovagli�s hamely braes.
Black bothies left ahind,  aiver speerited in saicret. Aye!
Girnoc garrons twinty each - wi� ankers twa abreast:
the toonkeeper wimmen left oot.
Speerits heich (tcaach �.fit a tirravee!)
Loshtie aye, dwam fou!

The-gaither, time-servin�  smugglers:
Donald Mcpherson � oor seerious scoondrel;
James Gordon - aiver richteous;
an� John Gall - oonprencipilt mebbe,
yet surely mair of a dweem than a dwam:
loshtie aye!

Donald Mcpherson befuskert high on baith chaffs,
aye rugged cheekit �  bricht red oondernaith.
Jorum at the ready the-gaither wi the Gordons: James an� Peter
�. an nae doot, yit mair of that inextricable tribe!
Aye nae doot!

James Gordon an Abergeeldie loon - of sorts!!
Gamekeeper to David Gordon, Esquire of Abergeeldie.
Friend of genteelity maybe but
naiver to be mizzered in mainners:
Loshtie nae!

John Gall grand-maister o� the bothies,
brither tae the Girnoc.
Sundoon at his Tarbrax sheilin -
a saicret tryst oonder yonder roddin-tree.
Feckless wi� a fleerish:
Loshtie aye!

Twa gaugers biding their time,
hodden in-by the Tarbrex Tollbar:
Mr Tawse an� Mr Rose, aiver-sae wullin in the law.
1824: Excisemen noo wi� clout!
Aye Parliament had seen to that!
Dragoon guards hauled-in at the ready:
At the ready �oh loshtie aye!

Anither Gordon caa�d Peter, a Camlet loon,
rode auld
�yella,� sae many hans in hicht -
  a strappin horse speeshal tae the Girnoc:
wi braith snortin� ready,
yet his maister, Peter wis grippet wi� doot.
Aye grippet.

The others,
�to the number of nine or mair�
shared that nervishness -
but plied theirsels� wi� ther ain coontraband:
aye, fou  an fleein� tae loosen that fear!
Bit not oor Donald, fa he wis high-heedit,
an seemingly baithered by nout -
not aiven a fearsom rainstorm  risen michty faist
wid brak his smugglers course!
Michty me he wis blin tae danger �
Michty aye!

Through the spleeter of weet,
an jist ootside the Tollbar,
Tawse an� Rose, officers aff the Excise,
wi' their troop aff
�Dragoon Guards�
withoot warning, made tae apprehend -
but in-turn were  veeshusly attacked themsels.
Veeshusly aye!

Donald McPherson
�threatened tae
�blow ther brains oot if they laid violent hands upon them�

an to run auld Tawse-the-Excise
�throo the body wi� a pitch fork�
by noo Donald wis joined by the Gordons who a� the-gaither
started to throw
�large stanes�
at roon-shoodert an� wrunkelt Rose.
Aye nae sympathy wis extended
tae the hunchie-bacit an� fastidious Rose

All this wis witnessed by a young loon
James Gordon age 6 years
His faither Peter, picked him up
an in a flash young James escaped on �
back to the Gordons � bit not tae the Girnoc
fa� that wisnae safe.
Michty No.

Sorrafu� an wi� ther tails atween ther legs,
brocht them tae Kincardine o� Neil -
in the stable Inn -
�130 gallons of illicit distilled spirits� wir stacked up high
an horses wer� at the ready  for a second pairty �.
ye can imagine can�t ye � loshtie aye:
for they �
were at the time takin� refreshment.�
Takin refreshment � michty aye.
fit a stramash!
Aye stramash an� styterin fou!

An noo The Excise stepped fore:
an all were caught din-raisin.

Shamed Donald McPherson tak flit tae Angus
he never returned tae the Girnoc.
Soon aifter the Girnoc emptied like a quaich!
Ye see ther wis no choice in changin times.
Fitprints aff shame,
an the end of a way of life.

Din-raisin wi� Donald.
Loshtie Aye!!
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