Frequently Asked Questions


Where are you located?

We are located in the United States.

Do you ship worldwide?

We will not be shipping worldwide for the time being, but we plan to in the future!

How fast do you ship?

Orders are shipped within 2-3 business days.


Can I return or exchange products?

In order to be eligible for a return, you must email us within a week of receiving the damaged product.


I placed multiple orders, can you combine them?

Please email [email protected] so we can help you with that.

What if the order I received is incorrect or damaged?

Email [email protected] within a week so we can help you with your order.


How do preorders work?

When you preorder a product, the whole shipment is held until all items are available to be shipped. If you wish to receive your preordered items separately, make sure to place a separate order.

Will instock products and preorder products ship together?

No, your whole order will be held until the preorder products arrive. If you wish to receive your preordered items separately, please place a separate order. If you have already ordered them together, email [email protected] so we can help you.