Pilots Journals: Page 9
Memories of WWII Pilots
& Crews
Friends, it is an honor and a privilege to present the following piece of history for your
consideration.  It tells the story of one young pilot who literally dove headlong into
battle at the cost of his life. Let us never forget that our Freedom has been bought at
the price of the lives of those who, like Lt. Woolery, rushed into battle with no thought
of their own safety.
Editor's Note:  The following information is displayed with the full consent of Edward Woolery-Price, son of Lt. Edward R. Woolery, and may not be reproduced or used without the expressed permission of MR. Woolery-Price.
                                                Gallant Hero, and Leader

First Lieutenant Edward R. Woolery, Army Air Corps, is the recipient posthumously, of two
Purple Hearts (for wounds on December 8, 1941, and for his life being taken in combat
against an armed enemy), and a Distinguish Flying Cross for achievement as a pilot during
the period December 7,1941 to January 21,1942.

The presentation of this Silver Star concludes four years of activity by Lt. Woolery's son,
Edward Woolery-Price, to have recognized his father�s gallant heroism on January 30, 1942.

In 1998, after reading the book, Doomed at the Start; by Mr William Bartsch, Mr.Woolery
-Price began compiling information, and with the support of Mr. Bartsch and two retired
officers who flew with LtWoolery from that small air field on the Bataan Peninsula, on
January 30,1942, he was able to submit a request for a medal for heroism that resulted in a
determination that the Silver Star be awarded Lt. Woolery.

The submission of the request would not have been possible without the support of Senator
Phil Gramm, and his staff, and the encouragement and assistance of Mr. Bartsch, LTC
William H. Rowe, and COL John H. Posten.

Thank you.

Prepared by Edward Woolery-Pnce, with the able assistance of iMac, and Patti Woolery-

The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918,
has awarded the SILVER STAR to

                                                        Edward R. Woolery

For gallantry in action against an armed enemy of the United States in the Philippine Islands
on 30 January 1942. On this date, Lieutenant Woolery was flight leader of three P-40
aircraft departing from Bataan Field before dawn, on a mission to bomb and strafe enemy
forces at Waterous Field, 160 miles south of Bataan Field, and near San Jose on the island
of Midoro. Arriving over Waterous at day break on 30 January 1942, at a risk to himself
rather than allowing others in his flight to be point man, Lieutenant Woolery personally led
the attack and leveled out at 100 feet. Not finding a target of opportunity, he did not release
his bombs. Circling and not seeing any enemy activity in the area, he then led his flight to
and landed at nearby San Jose where he learned that the information on enemy forces at
Waterous had been provided by the enemy to lure pilots from Bataan Field. Lieutenant
Woolery then led his flight back to I3ataan Field and, acting on his own initiative, because he
and one other P-40 still had bombs, commenced to lead an attack upon enemy front lines
located on the northwest corner of Manila Bay before retuming to Bataan Field. Leveling off
at 7,000 feet, he then commenced a dive over enemy lines. During the dive Lieutenant
Woolery�s plan exploded in a ball of fire that resulted in his death. Stout hearted and
indomitable in the face of tremendous odds, Lieutenant Woolery, by his gallant and
courageous actions reflect the highest traditions of the military service and Army Air Corps
and reflect great credit upon himself, the 3rd Pursuit Squadron, and United States Army.
Photo shows Mr.
Woolery while
serving as a cadet in
the Army Air Corp
prior to the War.

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