Ghetto Wrestling Association
Open 24 Hours

May 4th
from Cross County Mall in Yonkers, NY
Match Type
Match Notes
Rudland vs. Double X
Rudland: 2 finishers;
Firecracker intereferes;
Continuing to Suffer
El Golpe Mortal & Roach vs. Bobby Idol & Mr. Rabies
Tag Team
EGM: 2 finishers; Roach prevents Mr. Rabies from breaking count
The Oz vs. The Norseman
The Norseman KOs The Oz with his own finisher
Howdy vs. Mr. Hardcore
Mr. Hardcore: Principal KOs Howdy
Legacy vs. Mikey Rowboat
Singles Hardcore
Kiki interferes
Greg First vs. Bri-2-K & Hardware
2 on 1
Count out
Tag Team Title Match; Sloth
Spreading the Gospel of Violence

Spreading the Gospel of Violence
May 4, 2006
Delilah walks down to the ring with the interboro title in her hands and grabs a microphone and announces "Ladies and gentlemen please stand and give a warm round of applause for your new Interboro Champion, the one, the only Jimmy Violence!" Balloons fall and fireworks go off as Jimmy walks out in a full tuxedo throwing kisses and waving, shaking hands and finally he steps into the ring and takes a bow as the crowd has a mixed reaction. "Ladies and gentlemen I couldn't have done this without... YOU!" and points to Delilah who he then hugs and kisses on the cheek. "To all the people who didn't think there was a place for Violence outside the Hardcore division this is proof that there is, this is only the first step. I'm going to be the best Interboro champion ever and I'm going to have another DVD come out, i can see it now.." he does hand motions and he and Delilah pretend to see it written before them "...The Best Of Jimmy Violence Volume Two: The Best Interboro Champion Ever!" The crowd then boos this and Jimmy laughs it off and stands tall raises his arms and Delilah places the title around his waist and more fire works go off from the ring posts and confetti fall. "Thank you, thank you all, you're far to kind... Now, onto business. I Am Jimmy Freakin' Violence, The Patron Saint of Pain! And I'm issuing an open challenge to anyone in that locker room who thinks they can take this belt away from me!"
Just then the Norseman walks out as his music plays and he stand son the stage with a mic in his hand "I accept" is all he says and the crowd goes wild. Jimmy then looks up at him and laughs "Danny boy the indies, the indies are calling. I've taken your girl and your push, do you really want to go further down the card then you already are?" Jimmy asks and the crowd boos this and then more music hits and out walks The Oz. "Whoa whoa whoa, hold on just a second here, I heard someone say Open Challenge and well, here's your challenger" Oscar says pointing to himself. Norseman turns to Oz and says "Hey, Sorry to break it to you but this challenge has already been answered, by me!" Danny says, now pointing at himself. Oz and Norseman are now bickering with one another when Delilah calls Jimmy over and whispers something in his ear and Jimmy finally stops the bickering "Hey, kids, settle down. How about you two face off against one another and the winner of that can face me next week in my open challenge?" Jimmy finally states and the crowd cheers and Oz and Norseman stare one another down while Jimmy & Delilah continue celebrating in the ring as Delilah pops open a bottle of Champane and they sit at ringside preparing to watch Oz and Norseman face off.

May 4, 2006
Now we see Greg First sitting alone in the back hall in the dark as Luis Perez Jr. walks upto him "Hey champ, er.. wrong choice of words, sorry, hey... why the long face?" Luis asks as Greg just sits there drinking a concealed bottle. "You know what Greg, you've gone for every title in the company except the tag titles and tonight I'm going to set you up with a match for those belts!" Luis continues and Greg looks at him strangely and replies "Who's gonna be my partner?" Luis thinks about it and says "hey, don't sweat it, I'm gonna make it real easy for you, I'm gonna let YOU pick your partner!" And like that Luis pat's Greg on the shoulder and walks off as Greg just sighs and stands heading toward the locker room.

Continuing to Suffer
May 4, 2006
Greg walks into the locker room and see's Howdy, Mikey Rowboat and Kiki, he goes to open his mouth but they all just smirk or sigh under there breath, someone even whispers "look at this joke" as they leave and Greg just sighs and walks to the recreation room and see's Firecracker, Rudland, Mr. Hardcore & Bobby Idol. "Hey, anyone wanna..." They start laughing and point at him and Greg just leaves. when he steps outside he sees The DeRose Bros, Aramis Of Doom, Mr. Rabies and The Oz in the hall and hears there snickers and mocks as he walks towards the Garage he turns the corner and walks right into Double X. "Oh hey Greg... what's up?" Double X Asks smirking. Greg sighs and swallows his pride and asks "Hey Matt, um... you wouldn't want to be my um... partner tonight would you?" Matt holds back a laugh and says "sorry man, I have a match of my own, but hey, I'm sure you'll do good on your own buddy" and pats him on the back and walks away shaking his head. Greg walks back to his dark spot and goes for his bottle he had earlier and see's it's gone. Homeless John walks by with his bottle and Greg goes to ask him a question and John mutters something about flies and keeps walking and Greg just sits and sighs knowing he's gonna have to do this alone.

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