Ghetto Wrestling Association
Open 24 Hours

March 23rd
from Woodlawn Cemetery in Bronx, NY
Match Type
Match Notes
El Golpe Mortal vs. Double X
Singles KO
Roach & Firecracker interfere;
Double X 's out EGM, KOs him, makes him bleed
Bobby Idol & Mr. Rabies vs. Homeless John & Aramis of Doom
Tornado Tag Team
Mr. Rabies uses chair on Homeless John after H.J. asked Mr. Rabies to stop;
Dawn of the Assassins
Hardware vs. The Solution vs. Mr. Hardcore
Triple Threat

Bri-2-K vs. The Savior
The Savior: Possum pin with Bri-2-K in Special
Mikey Rowboat vs. The Oz
Singles Hardcore
Kiki interferes; The Oz pummeled by Mikey Rowboat & Kiki;
Sucker Punches & Pussies
Greg First & Jimmy Violence w/Delilah vs. The Norseman & Howdy
Tag Team
Jimmy Violence makes Howdy submit by sleeperhold; Howdy bleeding;
Love... Hurts; A Friend in Need...

Love... Hurts
March 23, 2006
"How could you do this to me? To us?" Danny yells in the locker room after the match ended. "What us Danny? What us? YOU dumped Me last week, remember? I just found someone who appreciated my services as a manager!" Delilah screamed back at him. "I'm sick of this, it has to end, this can't keep happening, I don't want to work against you but I can't work with you. This has to stop Kris." Danny says and Delilah hands him a contract "You want it to stop? here, I'll see you at the Rumble" and she walks out. Danny reads it and then looks up confused "You're challenging me to a match?!" he says and follows after her.

A Friend in Need...
March 23, 2006
"Hey, you ok?" Jimmy Violence says walking past Delilah who's now sitting in the hallways with her head in her hands sniffling. "Yeah, thanks Jimmy, I'm fine." Is all she says. He walks to the buffet table and brings back some tissue to offer her. "Here, in case you need it." He says and walks down the hall then stops and makes a face of concern and walks back. "Hey, if you need anything, you know my number. I'm always around." He says as he rubs her shoulder and she nods and he walks away with a sad smile on his face.

Sucker Punches & Pussies
March 23, 2006
The bell rings and The Oz gets to his feet while official Bob Lang holds Mikey's hand up in victory and Kiki is right by his side. Oz grabs a mic and leans on the table "You wanna sucker punch and bring your girlfriend into this? you pussy! That's it, at the Rumble, you want a shot at he title? you got it, no interferance!" he yells and spits blood out onto the mats. Mikey smiles and gives him the thumbs us before heading to the back with Kiki.

Dawn of the Assassins
March 23, 2006
Corporate Stiff walks into Mr. Perezs' office, petition in hand and demands a moment of Luis' time. "Ok James, what's up this week?" Luis says folding his hands on the desk with a smile on his face always pleased by what Corporate Stiff usually offers him. "Tonight I want that new tag team of Rabies & Idol to take out Homeless John." Stiff says. "Hmm Rabies & Idol, who've started calling themselves The Assassins vs. Homless John & Aramis Of Doom... Ok, I like it, let's try it out" Luis says and Stiff lowers his voice and says "No, I want them against him, no Aramis, just John. He has to get hurt so it's a sure victory for whoever wins tonight's contendership." Luis rubs his chin and then decides "I can't make it a handicapped match but I can make it a Tornado Tag Team match and it'll happen tonight!" Corporate Stiff "Accidently" knocks Luis' cup of coffee into his lap making Luis shreak. Stiff then turns around and walks out of the office.

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