Ghetto Wrestling Association
Open 24 Hours

March 2nd
from Yonkers Raceway, NY
Match Type
Match Notes
Homeless John vs. Mr. Rabies
Singles Backstage
Homeless John: 2 finishers;
A War Against the Homeless
Mr. Hardcore (w/Rudland) vs. The Savior
Singles Hardcore
DDT onto chair on the outside, then pin; Roses Are Red... With Anger
Hardware vs. The Solution
The Solution: Triple Powerbomb to finish; tosses Hardware  over his head into the stands
Bobby Idol vs. Bri-2-K
Bri-2-K: Quantum Leap
El Golpe Mortal & Roach vs. Kiki & Mikey Rowboat
Tag Team
Mikey Rowboat punches referree;
No finishers
Greg First vs. Delilah
Delilah- 3 finishers; top rope flip to the outside; Greg's First Promo

Greg's First Promo
March 2, 2006
"Ladies and gentlemen... I am the first person you're to see in this season of the G.W.A. and I will be the only person worth seeing this season of the G.W.A." A lanky thin man stands in the ring with baggy pants and a mic in his hand " I am Greg First and everything else comes after and I am issuing an open challenge tonight for my first match" the crowd boos and Greg leans on the ropes and looks towards the ramp "what's the matter? no takers?" he says and music hits and out walks Delilah. "A girl? you send a girl, and a little one at that, to face me? the men in this place must be weak to send her to do their job, I guess no one has any balls in here..." Greg goes on until Delilah get's into the ring and tackles him and the match begins.

Roses Are Red... With Anger
March 2, 2006
Now we hear The DeRose Brothers music playing but out comes Mr. Hardcore dressed as a United States Marine and Rudland dressed as a New York City Fire Fighter carrying a Canadian flag. The crowd half boos and laughs as they slide into the ring. Mr. Hardcore salutes the Canadian flag and then takes a microphone as Rudland lays the flag across the mat. "Ten Hut!" Hardcore says and Rudland stumbles to attention. "Don't you have a cat to save or something Matt?" Hardcore asks and Rudland just shrugs and flexes. "Ok, ok, enough kidding around. We lost at the Free Per View to the better men" the crowd boos and Rudland just laughs. "I've been through Paris Island, I've come face to face with men that would make R. Lee Ermy blush but the last time I was in this ring I faced the scariest thing I think I've ever faced and that's the team of Mr. Hardcore and Rudland." Hardcore laughs and hands the mike to Rudland who instead of talking just flexes, Hardcore shrugs and takes the mike back. "Ok, enough of this crap" Hardcore says as he pulls off the wig and Marine cap and unbuttons his uniform and Rudland just keeps flexing then Hardcore taps on his shoulder and removes the helmet off his head. "I said enough!" Hardcore says laughing. "Seriously, Matt, Chris, you guys are pathetic! You lost your titles at the free per view and I personally thought we were going to be in for a challenge, I mean a Marine and a Fireman, One of New Yorks Bravest and one of the Few and Proud and you lose, but not only lose you bleed and lose! You two should just retire, seriously, go back to being a City worker and a Jarhead cause you're not cut out for the G.W.A., No Canadians are cut out for this company" The crowd, obvious Canadian lovers boo this severely. "Oh, you don't believe me? I'll show you what we think about Canadians here, Joe, did you bring it?" Hardcore asks and Rudland pulls something out of his Fire Fighters jacket and hands it to Mr. Hardcore then stands in front of the camera and opens the jacket sheilding Mr. Hardcore from the camera as Hardcore does something we cannot see until Rudland backs up and we see Mr. Hardcore zipping up his pants and holding a small cup of urine. Rudland spreads out the Canadian flag as Hardcore walks up nodding and pointing to the cup. Just then The Saviors music plays and out come The DeRose Brothers running to the ring and sliding in, Rudland then runs across the ring behind Hardcore as The Savior tosses the flag to The Solution and walks upto Mr. Hardcore staring him down and mouthing something to him. Just then Mr. Hardcore smirks and throws the cup of urine in The Saviors face and slides out of the ring and him and Rudland run up the ramp and stand on the stage laughing as The Savior takes off his shirt, much to the delight of the female fans and wipes his face as The Solution checks on him. The Savior stands looking up the ramp shaking from being so livid.

A War Against the Homeless
March 2, 2006
"Luis, it's a travesty! A Homeless man as our champion? I for one feel the title is being tarnished and if something isn't done now it might be too late soon and this once prestigious title will mean about as much as a tin can" Corporate Stiff said slamming his fist down on Mr. Perez' desk for effect. "In my hand I have a petition, demanding that Homeless John be stripped of the G.W.A. title before any irreparable damage happens, this could be the downfall of the entire company here Luis!" Stiff continued. Luis just stared and listened to Stiff's rant, then, when he felt he heard enough he finally shot back. "I's not gonna happen James, ratings are up, the fans love John as champion, they feel it shows equality and that even the little guy can have a shot in this company, the younger guys are now reinvigorated and have that fire back in them, I feel that John as a champion shows that anyone on the roster can become the champion." Luis said and Corporate Stiff stopped and stared at him. "Oh my God you're serious!" is all he could say with a shocked look on his face. "Of course you know this means war. I will make it my personal goal to get that title a proper champion!" Stiff exclaimed. Luis just smirked then asked "And how will you do that Mr. I-only-wrestle-at-free-per-views?"

Stiff thought about this then he remembered the petition in his hand, "This is how, You allow me to book a match and the man I put in this match will cripple your champion and then you'll be forced to crown a new one!" Stiff finished content with his words. Luis thought about it then agreed, "Ok, you can book a match, who do you have in mind?" Stiff got an devilish grin on his face and said "Rabies, in a parking lot brawl" Luis mulled this over in his head as well and then said "That's a great Idea, have the champion showcase his talents in the match he's made famous! it'll be like a celebration of Homeless John! I love it!" Stiff then started fuming and stormed out of the room while Luis grabbed the phone and made a call.

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