Q & A about Toastmasters
If you are a new or a prospective Toastmaster you might have some of these questions on your mind. If this does not answer all your questions about Toastmasters then ask the club members or email your question to Toastmasters International.

Q & A about Toastmasters

Q: What is Toastmasters? Is this a group of tired old men?

A: No. Toastmasters is a world-wide non-profit organization dedicated to teaching the skills of public speaking. Like many other organizations started in the last century, it started as an association of men. Like most of the progressive organizations of the last century it progressed to include women decades ago.

And yes � there are some members who have been actively involved in Toastmasters for years and even decades. Some get involved for the purpose of developing their public speaking skills � then they stay for leadership development and later for the social community.

Q: Is Toastmasters a bunch of �positive� people?

A: Hah! Yes Toastmasters are incredibly positive. I found that by attending meetings every week I felt better about myself, and my possibilities. It might become a drug � gotta have that �positive� fix of Toastmasters every week.

When you go to Toastmasters you will feel better about yourself and others.

Funny how it is. A positive environment will help you to grow faster. Watch the amazing growth in your self-confidence, public speaking and leadership skills after you have been encouraged in a positive environment. That�s Toastmasters.

Q: Why the goofy name � Toastmasters?

A: Some things just are the way they are. Get over it. The name might be goofy but the concept, system and members are wonderful.

I guess some half dumb old men thought it was a good name when it started many decades ago. You had to be there. The name stuck and we seem to be stuck with it. Toastmasters. Get over it.

Q: Is there a secret handshake?

A: No. But the members will probably shake your hand and welcome you to the meeting.

Q: Why should I join Toastmasters?

A: If you want to dramatically grow your presentation skills � join Toastmasters.

That is the main reason most join Toastmasters. They take away other benefits � general communication skills, meeting management skills, leadership skills, listening skills, and coaching skills.

The ability to communicate is the most powerful set of skills you can acquire and use for your success. The ability to speak, present, listen and reason are the success skills that will get you the most in your career or business.

Q: How does it work at Toastmasters?

A: Toastmasters is a club � not a school. There is no teacher or lecturer. A Toastmasters club operates in a peer-coaching environment. We learn from each other. Each member receives their kit and leaning manual. Each member works on their manual at their own pace. Because the Toastmasters clubs are made of members at different points in their learning stream � you learn from the others. And they learn from you.

There will always be someone in your Toastmasters club who has been where you are. They will be able to advise you. There will always be others who see you in a different perspective � you can learn from their perspective.

The beauty of Toastmasters is that every club has the guidelines from Toastmasters International. But they can adapt to their constraints and needs. It has a centralized policy and a decentralized delivery.

Q: I attended a meeting: Why do they clap so much?

A: Toastmasters applaud every speaker, every announcement and every introduction. Imagine being applauded every time you did something at work! What incredible positive reinforcement. We grow best with positive reinforcement. That�s why Toastmasters will give you that applause. It feels wonderful. If Toastmasters attended a funeral they would applaud the eulogy because they know how difficult it is to stand there and speak.

Q: I visited one club and I didn�t like it

A: No problem. Each club has a different culture based on the makeup of its members. You should visit at least three different clubs before you pick the one you join. Even after you join a club you are welcome to visit any Toastmasters club around the world or in your neighborhood. Toastmasters enjoy having guests from other clubs. You can find Toastmasters clubs by visiting  - Select by country and drill down to your desired location to get club meeting location, times and contact.

Q: My schedule is varied and I can�t make all the meetings.

A: No problem. Most members lead busy lives with multiple priorities. Few Toastmasters make every meeting. Most Toastmasters clubs meet every week and recess for the summer. The more you attend the more you get. Attend when you can. If you miss some meetings � that�s life. You might be traveling or working extra hours � that is understandable. But don�t miss meeting because you want to stay home and watch TV. That is silly. Get off your butt and go. You will always be welcomed at Toastmasters.

Q: I need to be pushed.

A: Decide on your personal goals and determine how Toastmasters can best help you. Tell other club members your goals, your timeline and what you need from them. If you ask them to push you they will � gently but firmly. You might even be matched with a senior Toastmaster from your club to provide mentoring. If this happens count your lucky stars.

Q: I don�t like to be pushed.

A: Toastmasters will encourage you to grow and reach your goals. The Toastmasters program is self-directed learning � at your rate. You decide what pace is right for you. Tell your club members and they will respect your choices. You can change your pace as you see fit. Use your manual and ride at the pace that is right for you at the time.

Q: Why does Toastmasters have speech contests?

A: Toastmasters holds annual contests in the categories of Speech, Humor speech, Impromptu speaking, and Evaluation. These contests allow you to witness, and/or compete against other Toastmasters from your club, area, district and country to test performance skills. These contests are entertaining, instructive and inspiring. And when you compete you learn how to handle a new level of speech anxiety. I highly recommend that you compete.

Q. Tell me the names of some Toastmasters that I might know.

A: Here are a few Canadians.

George Torok  bestselling author, radio show host, professional speaker
Ross Mackay  international pump specialist, professional speaker
Bob Hooey  professional speaker, The Idea Guy
Kelley Robertson  author, sales trainer, professional speaker
Dr. Robert Tracz author, veterinarian, trainer, professional speaker

For more well known Toastmasters - astronauts, movie stars, authors, politicians, and business leaders visit...

Q: Can I try it out before I join?

A: Yes. Most Toastmasters clubs will allow you to attend three times before joining.

So check it out. Investigate Toastmasters. Visit Toastmasters. Then join Toastmasters

Good luck and good speaking.

George Torok CTM
Toastmaster, Professional Speaker, Speech Coach
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