
Jarind's Letters


Genetic Lists


Letters of Signs

Dna.gif (16225 bytes)Gjmendel.jpg (24034 bytes) Gregor Johann Mendel
The Augustine's Austrian Friar,
The Father of Genetics.

The problems I have faced and concerned to genetic disorders, cancer and
non-cancer diseases have not proved to be actually solved yet until my experience
which is the first one in observation how these genetic diseases influence which
have made patients suffered for long time ago. Since the time of friar
Johann Mendel
(A.D.1822-1884,father of genetics) an Austrian who found

and established law of segregation
(In genetics, the separation of allelic genes
at meiosis. Since allelic genes occupy the same locus on homologous chromosomes,
they pass to different gametes; that is, they segregate.
and law of independent
(The random distribution of different combinations of the parental
chromosomes to the gametes. Nonallelic genes assort independently to the
gametes, unless they are linked.
until many ones who discovered cell,nucleous,
chromosome and gene structure. Now we can go deep in studying in chromosome
and gene at molecular level and can also identify gene or chromosome patterns
of diseases successfully. But it seems that we run away the aim to find out how
to prevent these genetic occurrences effectively. My idea for this genetic problems
which  I have mentioned in this report owes and feels gratefully to J.W. Spear
(a British who invented"Scrabble or Spears' game") The letters with labelled
number which represent diseases, these we can mix in establishing of patients'
names for appropriate choosing and matching of couple to consider before
marrying. My attempt, as always is to present the basic principles of how to
prevent people from genetic diseases by recommending them to learn how to
sims.jpg (11560 bytes) Sims' Genetic Letters in their names' establishment. I hope people know
how appreciative I am of their one part of society. I am grateful also to my
patients,young and old, from medical school days up until the present in my
clinic who have taught so much and in so many ways about my duties and
privileges as physician caring for patients. I acknowledge and approve of the
change quality of the relationship between the doctor and their patients. I wish
to stress that this report continues to be essential for ones who work hard in
genetics and for every one who lives in this world together.
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Jarind B. Sriraumpuch,M.B.,G.P.
General Practitioner
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To Author:

Dr.Jarind B. Sriraumpuch



Update since 09/09/50

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