Preface Jarind's Letters Sims'Letters Genetic Lists Prevention Letters of Signs
Dna.gif (16225 bytes)dr_ben.jpg (8313 bytes) Genetic Lists of Abnormal Genes
( Lists of sims.jpg (11560 bytes) Sims' Letters)
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E = Teeth and Jaw

dentinog.jpg (22603 bytes) Dentinogenesis imperfecta
a dental defect which the teeth have a peculiar opalescent
brown color and their crowns wear down readily.

E1 = Craniofacial dysostosis (Crouzon's disease)
protrusion of lower jaw (autosomal dominant)
E2 = Dental caries ( in Prader-Willi Syndrome )
E3 = Dentinogenesis imperfecta
(autosomal dominant)
E4 = High arched palate
(autosomal dominant)
in Ehlers Danlos syndrome
E5 = High arched palate
(autosomal dominant)
in Marfan's syndrome
E6 = High arched palate
(autosomal dominant)
in Treacher Collins syndrome
E7 = Isolated cleft palate
(when due to a genetic defect,4P- Syn.,Trisomy 8)
autosomal dominant inheritance

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To Author:

Dr.Jarind B. Sriraumpuch



Update since 10/09/50

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