Yo! You've reached the home of the funkiest progressive hip-hop meets punk rock, one love, fist in the air, molotov lyrical attax, puppet hanging, platinum nuts swaying, oi-oi-oi, and all that shit in between collaboration of crazy cats straight outta the DC Metro Area, calling Silver Spring, Maryland home.

1/22/04 - marticone.

1/22/02 - Wheres Mah Devin? Syndrome passes through Springbrook High School! The epidemic was spurred by GDS emcee Devin Mcknight going to Good Counsel. Throughout the school, symptons which include questioning the air, freaking out, and diarrhea were seen.

12/06/01 - GDS Guitarist Accused of Murder and Sodomy!! Chris Owens was accused of "all this death threat shit about them in the bathroom and thought it was me. like im gonaa fuck (ben aflkecks girlfrineds name here) in the asshole. kelly massion looks like a bird." It was a regular Springbrook Inquisition up in this BIOTCH! Owens Luther, after posting his 95 statements of beef, called for Reform. "This is just one incident in what has been a systematic exploitation and persecution of Punk, Artsy, and Blake students at Springbrook high school," Owens said. "Ever since my ancestors (myself) were brought here on slave ships 400 years ago (last semester) we (again, myself) have been used as expenible pawns to fight the White Mans wars and build thhe White Mans economy." Owens closed with, "I hereby revoke my citizenship as a springbrook student, and refuse to wear bow-ties. my name is now Wassail Ito Minh. i concurr..i refuse to wear anything BUT bow-ties. (funky music starts)....

12/03/01 - GDS wants to pledge its solidarity to the students of Blake high school as they take a stand against mandatory ID cards. The new system allows for the faculty to know if students are in school or skipping at any time and which also goes against a free education by charging for lost ID cards before students are allowed in.

11/16/01 - Will Smith auditioned for GDS Project but was rejected today. Apparently he showed up at Devin McKnight's door, said his career was going nowhere and wanted his job back. This has been another of recent race-related attacks towards the McKnights, and the neighborhood watch was notified.

11/15/01 - GDS filed a class action lawsuit against Repercussions singer Ira Dechter for selling recordings of their "last" show without any proceeds going to the band. Here's a statement from Chris Owens. "Let's get the obvious out of the way: This is not just about money (as some of the more cynical people will think). This is as close as you get to what's right and what's wrong. GDS have always been in favor of giving the fans as much access as possible to our music. This includes taping sections at our concerts, and streaming our music via our website. And while we certainly revere our fans for their continued support and desire for our music, we must stress that the open trading of any copyrighted material is, in effect, the looting of our art. And that is something that no artist can, in their right mind, condone. We are in the business of art. This is a walking contradiction if ever there was one. However, there is no denying it. On the artistic side, GDS creates music for ourselves first and our audience second. With each project, we go through a grueling creative process to achieve music that we feel is representative of GDS at that very moment in our lives. We take our craft -whether it be the music, the lyrics, or the photos and artwork- very seriously, as do most artists. It is therefore sickening to know that our art is being traded, sometimes with an audio quality that has been severely compromised, like a commodity rather than the art that it is. From a business standpoint, this is about piracy- a/k/a taking something that doesn't belong to you; and that is morally and legally wrong. The trading of such information -whether it's music, videos, photos, or whatever- is, in effect, trafficking in stolen goods. Back to the obvious: Very successful recording artists are compensated extremely well for what they do. For every GDS, however, there are an endless number of bands who rely on what ever they can get in royalties to survive. And while we all like to take shots at the big, bad record companies, they have always reinvested profits towards exposing new bands to the public (although sometimes not the RIGHT bands). Without this exposure, many fans would never have the opportunity to learn about tomorrow's bands today. Napster and other such sites were obviously not conceived to lose money. They, like the labels, must make money or they're out of business. And whatever money they are generating from their site is dirty money. It's being taken out of the hands of the artist and the record labels and put into the hands of another corporation."

11/10/01 - GDS lost their physics competition (that's right PHYSICS competition) at Wooton High School. Members Chris Owens and Sam Goering along with several other teammates believed they had the winning Shuttle Arm design, but were intimidated by taunts and discriminatory behavior from other teams. "I asked if the kind gentleman had water problems at his facility, and the judge responded in a coarse and jeering manner to me," Owens said. "I think its cause we hail from Colesville and east county and we don't sympathize with Bush [who came and spoke to the school Tuesday]." Meanwhile Brooks Brezidine was seen roaming the halls of Wooton.

11/05/01 - What's Beef? Beef is when you throw smokebombs at Brooks Brezidine. Smokebombs, apparently thrown at a show on Halloween, ticked off the lacrosse diva. GDS reporter April O'Neil was on the scene and found Brezidine for comment. "I dont like those guys anymore, throwin fuckin smoke bombs at us while we were on stage." Sam Goering responded, "Nigga must be vegetarian cuz he's scared of da beef!"

10/29/01 - The Great Depression is set in motion throughout Colesville. Kids continue to grapple with the loss of GDS as well as search for the ghost of Tom Joad. Meanwhile there are bread shortages at the Upper Crust Bakery and soup lines outside Ledo's. Colesville Beautification Day seemed to do nothing. Nothing at all...

10/10/01 - Colin "C-Rock" McGowan announced he was quitting GDS today. He said GDS wasn't going anywhere and he would rather concentrate on the other band he's in. Colin will play the show on the 19th and possibly record with us to at least get one album out before he leaves. After that we will be in search of a new drummer. Anyone interested should talk to one of us.

9/23/01 - Show coming up at Emily Chase's house on the 19th of October starting at 4:30pm. Repercussions, Double Standard, Toast (butter side up) and the rising pop sensation Ben Gould All Stars will play with GDS Project. More info will come.

9/14/01 - Rhymes Are A Changin' Show this Tuesday, Sept. 18th at Ali Syed's piece at 2:30pm for the meager price of 1 dollar.
The Repercussions will be playing with us and possibly some other bands. A cookoff between champion chef Mike Mayo and challenger Al Rules is also suppose to take place as well. So whether you're running from the draft board or you just want to chizeel, come rock out at the most anticipated show in Silver Spring this trimester.

9/03/01 - The GDS/Repercussions Show has been cancelled because Maria's father found out we were leftists or something and didn't want us to cause a ruckus. Although this is another attack on people of dissenting views and is deeply saddening we can't play, we are looking for a new venue to hopefully play a upcoming show at. If you have any places please let one of GDS Project members know or one of The Repercussions members.

8/28/01 - GDS/Repercussions Show coming up on September 8th at Maria's piece!! Keep updated for directions and time which will be announced.

8/25/01 - There has been a lot of controversy and we've received numerous comments about GDS' flag burning at their last show in Sam's basement. Some have wanted to know why they did it, if it was a political statement or for some other reason. Well, the answer to that question is that frankly, we just did it to be cool. It's the new trend to burn American flags these days and to be radical leftists is the hip thing as well. So no it was not a symbolic political statement, it was just some kids fuckin' around.

8/17/01 - Chris and Sam went up to Philly to stand with hundreds in support of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. Mumia Abu-Jamal was a freelance journalist/taxi driver who often voiced his dissenting opinions of this corrupt, racist system on public radio. He also had ties to the Black Panthers, the Move organization and other progressive groups and movements. Mumia Abu-Jamal was convicted and is on death row for killing a police officer who was attacking his brother. The case is full of police brutality, coercion, tampering with evidence and other methods of lying to frame Mumia. A man has actually came out and said that he was hired by the police department to kill the officer because the officer was getting his head too far into the corrupt, organized crime world. Yet the courts have still not taken this shocking evidence which could save Mumia's life into consideration. For more info on Mumia check out www.mumia.org.

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Contact GDS Project Webmaster & MC
Sam Goering

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