From the twisted minds of Sorceress Rune and Josephene the Great comes

BuffMaster 3000!

the whore herself

Everybody knows Buffy Summers, the skanky, vampire-staking whore with her own TV show. If you like girls you want her, and if you like guys you want to be her. Now, with the BuffMaster 3000, you can! For a very, very limited time, buy the BuffMaster 3000 for only $300, and get the 20 page book How To Be An American Whore And Still Save The World From Vampires absolutely free! That's right, absolutely free! For an extra $10 dollars, you can get the audio cassette version, and for an extra $30, you can even have it on a CD! A little extra money, and you won't even have to strain your eyes by reading it! Don't you wish english class was like that?


With the purchase of the BuffMaster 3000, we're also offering a free, yes free, BuffMaster Slut Wardrobe! Choose from any of three different outfits:

The Incredibly Short Shorts and Strapless, Sleavless, Fabricless Blouse

The Inch-Long Evening Dress

The Fishing-Line Bikini

Each is availiable in matching shades of pink, white, blue, or clear! Simply specify which when you call 1-800-IAMASKANKYHO to place your order! Please remember to have your Visa, Mastercard, or American Express card ready when you call. And yes, every member of our phone-line staff is, in fact, between relationships. Call today!

By the way, this is complete, utter BS. The thing doesn't exist. Ha!

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