2001 Border Run (the 25th).

This is a brief trip description to my first "Border Run" in August 2001. I've been on lots of rallies of all descriptions, but the Border Run has always been too far, and too much for me. But as this was the 25th time it has been held, and black tie I thought I'd go. So now I can say I've been on a Border Run, maybe I'll go again on the 30th?

The trip there.

Lake Lyell. Left home 9.30 am. I always leave home late, just late packing, turning off the heater etc. Probable just reluctance to leave. I went by the Bells Line of Road, a good ride up over the mountains. An early fast lunch at Mc Dougals in Lithgow, then a back road to Bathurst mixed dirt, good tar and poor tar. Do not do this road near dusk as the vegetation is very close to the road and that could lead to a close encounter with animals. This road is 3 km north of Lithgow, sign posted to Lake Lyell, then follow the signs for Tarana, once there (a pub is the main focus) follow signs for Bathurst. From Bathurst by the Midwestern Highway to Hay. I stopped over night in Weethalle, a small town just west of West Wyalong. Weethalle is a one pub town, the pub has no accommodation, no dinner ... the next towns (Rankins Springs) pub burnt down and is being rebuilt, when they get some more money together. Lots of small towns are being slowly killed off. The small farms are being combined into larger farms, larger tractors do the work of many people, less people means less demand on the local town so it shrinks too. Oh, the large tractors get used for 2 months, costing $100,000+. No other industry would operate this way. The motel cost $40 + $5 for light breakfast. They don't do much business, are motorcycle friendly, but the lack of a good pub is a draw back.
The A40 centre. From Hay, through to Renmark then turned off the main Highway for a secondary road to Morgan. Stay in one of the pubs for $25 + $12 say for food and beer. The other pub is for sale, I don't think this sends a good message to clients. The for sale pub has few people in it.
Leave the next morning for Port Pirie, via the Clare Valley. I pass through Eudunda , an old garage is being restored... BMC has long been out of business, the Morris and Austin brands have long been absent from Australia, yet the garage has been painted with these. The guy inside is happy to talk about the buildings, it having evolved from a watch makers and optician shop. The clare valley. He is going to paint the remainder in older signage of the Chevey era. He calls himself the Austin A40 centre of Australia. And it looks like it. A few other vehicles are here too, a '26? chevy that he wants to do up as a roustabout ?, a 'Greengrass' (Heartbeat TV series) truck. I leave after an hour, passing Marrabel with its' bucking horse statue. As I pass through Saddleworth a car dumps its oil on the road in front of me, the car pulls over some 150 metres down the road, I almost fall over in the mess. On to Clare a very pretty winery area. On to Wilmington and Horricks Pass a twisty road over a small mountain range (other countries would call these hills, here they are mountains compared to the surrounding country). Down to Port Pirie for an overnight with PJ. Leaving PJs.Mc Ardel arrives late, due to from wheel bearing failure. I notice some oil spots on the rear of the panniers but don't find where they come from. Off the next day to Ceduna, I take two Degrees of Confluence (the Degree Confluence Project; http://www.confluence.org/index.php), the basic idea is to have a collage of pictures of the earths surface taken from the earths' surface at each point that the integer latitude and longitude cross. I make two of these today, fairly easy to find. The first is NorthWest of Kimba 33S 136E, with the number of tracks around here I had trouble selecting the tracks I wanted. To Iorn Knob. This is sandy country, the ridges are yellow sand with redder and harder packed sand on the flats. Some whitish rock out crops occur here and there. The tracks are all dirt but in good condition with out much sand or corriguation (USA = washboard). Found it and took a different track back through the Pinkawillinie Conservation Park, a change from the farm land I came through. The second one 33S 135E is just off the tar road from Port Kenny to Pygery on the edge of a salt lake. It is in the middle of some low scrub, making an uninteresting photo but it is typical of the native vegetation.
The Nullabour. Over night at Ceduna, I notice more oil, this time towards the front of the bike, I finally remember the car with the oil spill and link the two facts together!
The next day I back track to the third confluence point NorthEast of Ceduna 32S 134 E, finding the property owner and his wife mustering the sheep down the road. He tells me that I am on a camel pad of the 1800s and that an afghan owned the property to the early 1900s. The actual confluence is some 20 meters off the camel pad, that the north east corner of a field. Back to the tar and the nullabour, it is still the same or at least as close as I care to remember from my 1990 trip across it.

The party.

I arrive in the Boarder village to find lots of people, some of who I have met before. Some of these people I have not seen since 1994. I am introduced to Dave Ward from the OZ Adventure Riders List/Group. Nice to put a name to a face.. wonder if I have a photo, yep he's hidding in one of these (looks like he's drinking black old?). There are people from WA, SA, Vic, NSW, Qld, NT and TAS. If any one was there from ACT or the other places I missed them. Aproximatley 77 solo motorcycles and 10 sidecars were there, as many of the solos were carrying pillions people numbers were well over 100. The first "Border Run" had 6 people.
The cake. Party starts, with a cake, then a one hour happy hour ... if you have a black tie. But only if you drink draft. I stick to black old. Even if I have to pay for it. Oh, and free nibbles. I think of an idea that a donation to the RFDS from the motor cycle firms on the 2004 off centre run would be a good idea. What do you think?
I'll let the photos do the taking.
who? ar+p. The presentations. whatisthecapacity. free food. no tie therefore hat. The NSW rabble. A rabble. Another rabble. The bear + cup + cake.
gassed? whatnext. what is down here? pearls. Adrian and pudding. bear and pudding. lefty and song.

The trip back.

Back to the east. Mostly a transport stage, no real sight seeing. Through to Pimba sunday night, about 15 border run people at the pub that night, but the pub closes at 8 pm! Some of us rode in the dusk to get here watching for roos all the way. The Hay plain. The pub is a mix of buildings, I wonder if the early closing will lead to a reduction in business? The next day on to Euston (east of Mildura, monday night), the pub here has no accommodation so its a $44 touch at the cheapest motel. Very thin walls, tv, heater, heated blanket, tea, coffee and fridge. The next days starts overcast at 8.30 am, if I'd known I'd have left earlier as the sun would not have been in my eyes. It is a long 1000 km run home tuesday night. It gets dark as I leave Lithgow so I take the main road. I don't mind riding at night provided it is free of animals. Being the main road there is less chance of me hitting any animal, more chance of hitting another motor vehicle. The road through Katoomba is being upgraded at long last, but the old road must be used while they complete the work. Once it is finished it should be good but at the moment it is too twisty for the semis and has local traffic, slowing things up. For riding the Bells Line Road wins. About 5,300 km total distance, the rear Dunlop D205 is lasting well being well used before the trip and still holding tread.

The Boader Song
Well you can drink whiskey, or you can drink beer.
Drink what you like, just as long as you're here.
You can drink coffee, or you can drink tea,
But if you're drinking water, don't share it with me!

Please don't drink the water at the Border,
'Cause we're here to have a good time.
You can drink spirits or beer or wine
But please - Don't Drink The Water!

You can light up a joint, or toke on a bong,
Get high as a kite, start singing this song.
Toke on it harder, to make it last shorter,
But what-ever you do - Don't Drink The Water!


Out here at the Border, they recycle their water,
But they forgot to put in the filter.
Out here at the border, an old farmer's daughter
drank the water - It very nearly killed 'er!


You may be a priest, you may be a monk,
Come on and join us, and get a little drunk
You may be a Nun - (Mother Superior's daughter)
Get out of the habit before you pass water!

And please don't drink the water at the Border,
I'll ask you just one more time
You can drink spirits or beer or wine,
But please Don't Drink Water at The Border

By Lefty

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