Chapter 1
    "Zac!"  I was pulled from my daydreaming, "Zac, you haven't written one song for this new album.  You can't afford to not be listening!"  I rolled my eyes and laid my head down on the cool glass table.  I knew that I had to writ something, but I wasn't like my brothers.  Isaac got inspired by everything.  The boy cries at Hallmark commercials!  And then there's Taylor.  The epitome of a teen idol.  Perfect musician in every way.  He could sing a commercial jingle and have girls falling all over him.  And of course I couldn't write a song unless I had a reason.  And although I would've loved to be more like my older brother Taylor, I was just happy knowing that we had a whole month off.  No touring, no recording, no photo shoots, nothing!  I couldn't wait to get back home to where I could do anything, or nothing at all.  The whole plane ride home I tried to think of something to write about that would appease our manager.  I had to get something down on paper.  When we finally landed, I gathered my bags, and hurried off the plane.  I wanted to get home, unpack, and do NOTHING.  The ride home seemed to last an eternity.  I studied the cracks in the road.  I knew each bump, each line, each road by heart from the airport to my house.  We must have driven it a million times, and each trip seemed to last longer than the previous one.  I jumped out of the car when we pulled into the driveway of our house.  Taylor, Isaac and I each disappeared into our rooms.  I began unpacking my duffle bag; pulling stuff out and throwing it into hampers and drawers.
     "It's so good to be home!"  Taylor said with a grateful sigh.  I turned to Taylor who stood at our closet.
     "I know.  I'm gonna sleep for days."  I answered in agreement.
     "No sleeping!  You just got home!"  An energetic voice came from our bedroom door.  Taylor and I turned quickly to the familiar voice.  Kate had been our next door neighbor forever.  While we were off being child musicians, she was being pushed into every beauty pageant in Oklahoma by her mother.  She stood in the doorway, her 5'2" thin frame barely filling the space.  Her curly brown hair was held in a pony tail.  I watched Taylor walk up and give her a hug.  I followed behind him.
     "Hey beautiful,"  I said playfully wrapping my arms around her and lifting her up off the ground. 
     "How was the tour?"  She asked, walking around our room curiously looking through old photos, fan gifts, and knick-knacks that we had acquired over the years.  Finally she settled herself on Taylor's bed to watch us unpack.
     "It was know playing music, sleeping in moving vehicles, screaming teeny-boppers."  I said with mock enthusiasm.
     "You know you were eyeing those hot 12 year-olds." Kate teased me.  I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.  She screamed and pounded on my back.
     "This isn't fair!  Pick on somebody your own size!"  She laughed.  I spun her around and dropped her onto my bed.  She looked up and a small curl fell into her face.
     "I'm so glad you guys are back!  Jensen's gone and I've been so bored!"  Kate said blowing  the hair our of her face.  Jensen was Kate's boyfriend and one of Taylor's friends.  I honestly didn't really like him.  He was only nice to attractive girls he wanted something from and I hated that Kate had fallen for his charming act.
     "Where did Jensen go?"  Taylor asked curiously.
     "On a roadtrip with some friends."
     "Oh...all of the guys piled in his dad's RV?"  Taylor asked laughing.
     "Yeah, the guy's, and a few girls...but I wasn't invited."  She explained raising an eyebrow in suspicion.  At that point I think Taylor and I were thinking the same thing:  how we wanted to kick Jensen's ass.  We had always been very protective of Kate.  She was like part of our family.  Kate was a few months older than me and about a year younger than Taylor.  She lived next door with her mother and stepfather.  She had been my best friend forever. 
     That night I sat at the piano trying to come up with a new melody.  Instead of a new melody, I was acquiring a sense of frustration.  Before I could get too angry however, Kate rounded the living room corner and sat next to me.
     "Where have you been all afternoon?"  I asked still focused on the ivory keys in front of me.
     "Taylor and I went shopping."  She said pressing down some of the keys.  When I finally turned to look at her, I saw something I had never seen before.  I looked up and for the first time I actually looked into her eyes.  For sixteen years I had looked at her like a sister.  And in one moment I had fallen in love with her.  My whole body froze and I couldn't take my eyes off her.
     "Hey!  Tomorrow me and Taylor were thinking we would take the boat out on the lake.  Will you come?"  She asked still playing around with the piano keys.  I just nodded my head, my mouth hanging open like an idiot.
     "I'll see you in the morning.  Goodnight Zac."  She said wrapping her arms around me and leaving me to trip over my own thoughts.
Chapter 2 >>
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