SCENE 7 [Confrontation Scene]
{Simba is making his way up Pride Rock. Scar calling his mother causes him to pause and watch.}
{Sarabi ascends Pride Rock. The hyenas snap at her heels. She only glares disdainfully at them.}
Sarabi: Yes, Scar?
Scar: Where is your hunting party? They're not doing their job.
Sarabi: {Calmly} Scar, there is no food. The herds have moved on.
Scar: No. You're just not looking hard enough.
Sarabi: It's over. There is nothing left. We have only one choice. We must leave Pride Rock.
Scar: We're not going anywhere.
Sarabi: Then you have sentenced us to death.
Scar: Then so be it.
Sarabi: {Disgusted, amazed} You can't do that.
Scar: I'm the king. I can do whatever I want.
Sarabi: If you were half the king Mufasa was you would nev--
{Scar hits Sarabi, knocking her to the ground.}
Scar: I'm ten times the king Mufasa was! {Simba appears on the ledge, growling loudly. He leaps out and runs to his mother. Scar mistakes Simba as Mufasa and is understandably frightened.} Mufasa? No. You're dead.
{Sarabi awakens at her son's nudge, but mistakes him as Mufasa as Scar did.}
Sarabi: Mufasa?
Simba: No. It's me.
Sarabi: {Delighted} Simba? You're alive? {Confused} How can that be?
Simba: It doesn't matter; I'm home.
Scar: {Confused} Simba...? {back in form} Simba! I'm a little surprised to see you, {giving the hyenas above him an angry look} alive... {On the word "alive," Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed gulp audibly and slink into the shadows.}
Simba: {As Sarabi looks on with some pride} Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you apart.
Scar: {Backing into a wall, apologetic} Oh, Simba, you must understand. The pressures of ruling a kingdom...
Simba: ...Are no longer yours. Step down, Scar.
Scar: Oh, oh, ye-- Well, I would, heh, naturally, heh-- however, there is one little problem. You see them? {pointing to the horde of hyenas on the rocks above} They think I'M king.
{Nala appears with the rest of the lionesses.}
Nala: Well, we don't. Simba is the rightful king.
Simba: The choice is yours, Scar. Either step down or fight.
Scar: Oh, must it all end in violence? I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member. Wouldn't you agree, Simba?
Simba: That's not gonna work, Scar. I've put it behind me.
Scar: Eh, but what about your faithful subjects? Have they put it behind them?
Nala: Simba, what is he talking about?
Scar: {Delighted} Ahh, so you haven't told them your little secret. Well, Simba, now's your chance to tell them. Tell them who is responsible for Mufasa's death!
{Scar's last line causes the lionesses to start. All are concentrating on Simba.}
Simba: {Steeling himself, then taking a step forward} I am.
{Sarabi approaches her son.}
Sarabi: {With much grief} It's not true. Tell me it's not true.
Simba: {Regretfully} It's true.
Scar: You see! He admits it! Murderer! {Lightning crashes behind Scar's head to punctuate the line.}
Simba: No. It was an accident.
{Scar walks around and around Simba as he accuses him; very nicely done animated rotation.}
Scar: If it weren't for you, Mufasa would still be alive. It's your fault he's dead; do you deny it?
Simba: No.
Scar: {Severely} Then... you're... guilty.
Simba: No. I'm not a murderer.
Scar: Oh, Simba, you're in trouble again. But this time, Daddy isn't here to save you. And now EVERYONE.. KNOWS... WHY!
{Scar has been backing Simba up the length of Pride Rock. After his last sentence, Simba slips over the edge and is clinging to the ledge by his forepaws. Lightning strikes below, igniting a fire.}
Nala: Simba!
{Scar sits back and pretends to think.}
Scar: Now this looks familiar. Hmm. Where have I seen this before? Let me think. Hmmm... hmmm. Oh yes, I remember. This is just the way your father looked before he died. {Scar grabs Simba with his claws as he did Mufasa. He whispers into Simba's ear.} And here's MY little secret: I killed Mufasa.
{Simba has a quick memory flash back to that fateful instant. His voice blends with his younger voice in the scream of when his father died. In one giant leap he lunges up and pins Scar on his back. Scar is caught completely by surprise and is understandably very nervous and shaken.}
Simba: NoooooOOOO! ...Murderer!
Scar: No, Simba, please.
Simba: Tell them the truth. Scar: Truth? But truth is in the eye of the beholdllgkkk! {Simba starts to choke Scar.} All right. All right. {quietly, venomously} I did it.
Simba: So they can hear you.
Scar: {Grudgingly, but clear} I killed Mufasa!
{Nala starts towards Scar, the hyenas attack Simba in a wall of teeth. The lionesses join in. We see Pumbaa and Timon come in. Pumbaa is charging with Timon riding him. Hyenas are flying everywhere.}
{The scene switches to Simba chasing Scar up to the high point of Pride Rock. Scar runs up to the edge and sees the sheer drop. Simba leaps up to confront him at the cliff-like edge. Scar is very apprehensive, seeing he cornered and at Simba's mercy.}
Simba: {Quietly, severely} Murderer.
Scar: Simba, Simba. Please. Please have mercy. I beg you.
Simba: You don't deserve to live.
Scar: But, Simba, I am... ah... {unsure of his tactic} family. It's the hyenas {regaining composure} who are the real enemy. It was their fault-- it was their idea!
{Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed are in the background. They overhear and back away growling at Scar's betrayal.}
Simba: Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.
Scar: What are you going to do? You wouldn't kill your old Uncle...? {ingratiating grin}
Simba: No, Scar. I'm not like you.
Scar: {Greatly relieved} Oh, Simba, thank you. You are truly noble. I'll make it up to you, I promise. How can I, ah, prove myself to you? Tell me; I mean, anything.
Simba: {Gravely, with deep anger} Run. Run away, Scar. And never return.
Scar: Yes. Of course. As you wish... {looking down and seeing a pile of hot coals} ...your Majesty!
{Scar swipes the coals into Simba's face. With a cry of surprise and pain, Simba paws the coals away as Scar leaps and attacks.}
{There is a fight in slow motion. Both Scar and Simba land heavy blows. Simba gets knocked on his back. Scar leaps through the flames at him. Simba gathers courage and uses Scar's momentum in a "throw" similar to Nala's fighting tactics to send him flying over the edge. Scar tumbles to the bottom. He weakly gets up. He sees Banzai, Shenzi, and Ed approaching and smiles. Ed has a very angry look on his face.}
Scar: Ahh, my friends.
Shenzi: Frie-he-hends? I thought he said we were the enemy!
Banzai: Yeah, that's what I heard.
Banzai and Shenzi: Ed?
Ed: {Laughs evilly}
Scar: {Very nervous} No. L-L-L-Le-Le-Le-Le-Let me explain. No. You don't understand. No! I didn't mean for... No, No! Look, I m sorry I called you... No! NOO!
{The camera moves away and we can only see the shadows as the horde of hyenas closes on and devours Scar.}
Scene 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
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