The Amazing Dot Changer by Someone Unknown!

This cheat works really well for fixing your own dots or when used in conjunction with cloning a character.

NOTE: The reason this cheat works is because when you exit the game Diablo looks at the name of the character before saving it. Since it sees the name of a different character it saves to that characters slot instead of the one you started the game with. This also makes it really easy to duplicate items (that's how I found this cheat).


1.) Create 3 new characters in your Diablo multiplayer, names do not matter as long as they are the longest possible. (For example my 3 guys are "111111111111111", "222222222222222", and "333333333333333").

2.) Next you must take each character and get the number of dots you want them to have. (For example on my system I went and killed Diablo once with "111111111111111", twice with "222222222222222", and 3 times with "333333333333333").

3.) Clone the person you want to add Dots to using BoBaFeTT's Game Trainer. (For Example, if the person you want to clone is "SpaWnDaeMon", then use BoBaFeTT's Game Cheater to save the character "SpaWnDaeMon" from a game).

4.) Create a new character with the cloned character's name. (For Example, if the character you want to clone and add dots to is "SpaWnDaeMon", then create a new character with that name. CAPITALIZATION is IMPORTANT!).

5.) Start a Local Area Network Game with the character who has the number of dots you want to add to the clone. (For example, if I wanted to add 2 dots to a clone of "SpaWnDaeMon", I would start a LAN/IPX game with my character "222222222222222").

6.) Use BoBaFeTT's Game Trainer to restore the character you want to add dots to. (For Example, from above we have a LAN game running with "222222222222222" who has 2 dots. Now I use BoBaFeTT's Game Cheater to restore "SpaWnDaeMon").

7.) IMMEDIATELY upon switching back to Diablo, Select the Menu Option, Then Select New Game.

8.) The next time you log onto your cloned character will have the number of the dots that the character you restored over did.Another nice thing about this is that the character you restore over doesn't get affected at all by using this cheat. (For Example, above we restored "SpaWnDaeMon" who had no dots over "222222222222222" who had 2 dots. When we next log on with "SpaWnDaeMon", he will have 2 dots as though he had killed Diablo twice. Meanwhile "222222222222222" still has all the same stats and dots he had before using this cheat).


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Page Created 18 February 1997 4:00PM Australian Standard Time

Last Modified 25 September 1998 4:00PM Australian Standard Time


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