Bibliography for the Will of Eustathios Boilas


LEMERLE P., Cinq etudes sur le xi si�cle byzantin, Paris, 1977.

Secondary Literature

BARTIKIAN H., �Significance of the Will of Eustathius Boilas (1059) for the study of the history of Armenia and Georgia at the time of Byzantine Domination (Eleventh Century)�, XXV international congress of Orientalists, Papers presented by the USSR delegation, Moscow, 1960.
BARTIKIAN H., ??? Banber Małenadarani 5, 1960.
BARTIKIAN H., �Kritičeskie zametki o zave�čanii Evsatfija Voilij 1059 g.�, Vizantinskij Vremenik 19, 1961.
BENE�EVIČ V., �Zave�čenie vizantijskago bojarina XI veka�, �urnal Ministarago Narodni Prosvestije 1907.
BEZOBRAZOV P., Zavescanije Voili, Vizantiskij Vremenik 18, 1911.
DEVRESSE R., Le Fonds Coislin ???, , 242.
KOURGEAS S., Epi bibliografikou shmeiwmatoj tou up. Ariqm. 263 Koislianou kwdikoj, Ellhnika 3, 1930.
JUZBASIAN K.I., �Zavescanije Evstafija Voili I voprosi femnoj administracii Iverii�, Vizantiskij Vremenik 36, 1974.
LEMERLE P., �Le Testament d�Eustathios Boilas�, Cinq �tudes sur le XIe Byzantin, Paris, 1977
LEVČENKO V., Sbornik dokumentov po socialno-economiceskoj istorii Vizantii, Moscow, 1951, 169-173.
PARANI M., �Un exemple d'inventaire d'objets liturgiques : Le Testament d'Eustathios Bo�las (Avril 1059)�, Revue des Etudes Byzantines 61, ???
VRYONIS Sp., �The Will of a provincial Magnate, Eustathius Boilas (1059)�, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 11, 1957.
ZLATARSKI V., �Edna datirana pripiska na greki ot srjedata na XI vek�, Byzantinoslavica 1, 1929.

| Alexios Studites | | Barlaam and Ioasaph | | Michael Attaleiates | | Eustathios Boilas | | Christopher of Mytilene | | John Doxopatres | | John Italos | | Kekaumenos | | Leo of Ohrid | | Longibardos | | John Mauropous | | Meditatio de Nudis Pactis | | John V Oxeites | | Gregory Pakourianos | | Peira Nomon | | Peter III of Antioch | | Philip Monotropos | | Michael Psellos | | Symeon Seth | | John Sikeliotes | | John Skylitzes | | Nicetas Stethatos | | Syntipas |

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