Werewolf Tribes

Black Furies
The Black Furies are the sacred protectors of the Wyld, defender of women and punishers of men. Nearly an all female tribe, the black furies could be seen as feminist fatales. They believe that women naturally have a better understanding of Gaia then any man could hope to achieve. This tribe originated in Ancient Greece, and is extremely militant. Male Garou born to the Black Furies are usually given to the Children of Gaia or are killed.

Bone Gnawers
The dregs and dropouts of Garou society, they are mostly found in city allies, dumps, and park benches. These misfits have been the scavengers of the Garou since the time before there were tribes. Today, they often play the role of the convenient scapegoats. You get reprimanded if you talk bad about any Garou, except the Bone Gnawers. However, they are typically very tightly knit and survive well with the urban dwellings of the city.

Children of Gaia
In the sea of violence and anger that consumes the Garou race, there is an island of reason and restraint. These gentle and empathetic souls are the Children of Gaia. These are the calmest of the Garou, and the most likely to unite the Garou Nation. These peacemakers believe, unlike the majority of Garou, that humans can be taught the errors of their ways. They fought for adding the law protecting humans to the Litany. The others see them as tree-hugging, leaf-eating peace-nicks, but when cornered or defending what they believe to be an honorable cause, they can be a terrifying lethal force.

These Celtic Garou are from all the British Isles, not just Ireland. Taught the glory of song from birth, the bards of the Fianna are consider to be among the most gifted by even those of the gibbous moon. The Fianna are extremely close knit and strongly family-oriented. For the most part, the Fianna are content with a song and a pint of stout, but they are quick-tempered and dangerous when angered. They fight hard, play hard, and party hard.

Get of Fenris
No other tribe is as bull headed, violent, and harsh as these Norse Garou. They usually die a violent but glorious death. A True Get of Fenris would think nothing of using his body to choke the life out of a Nexus Crawler, if that is what it took to kill it. The wisest way think of most of these Garou is to equate them with high grade explosives. Keep them away from anything that might set them off, and when you find something dangerous, throw them in first.

These are the most human of the Garou. They have adapted to the cities, and are strong in them. Many Garou would say that they are being corrupted, and that they have lost their wolf nature. Glass Walkers think that they are the next step of evolution for the Garou. They are the only Garou that have anything to do with influencing companies to be more "green" aware. In very rare cases, this tribe has been known to have interaction with Vampires.

Red Talons
This tribe is comprised entirely from lupus Garou and is the most intolerant to humans. They believe humanity as a whole is of the Wyrm, and as such, must be removed from the earth. The Talons strongly resent Homid Garou, and seldom permit anyone of human birth into their packs. Red Talons keep to themselves as much as possible, so tribe in-fighting is very rare. Because the habitat of the wolves is shrinking, most Garou suspect the talons days are numbered.

Shadow Lords
Shadow Lords see the Garou as the ultimate life form on the planet. Therefore, Garou are the obvious rulers. Also, as far as they are concerned, there is no greater tribe than the Shadow Lords. In the end, the only thing the Shadow Lords respect from the Garou of other tribes is power. Even so, they are ready to displace their rivals at the first sign of weakness. Politics, planning, scheming, and back-stabbing are normal for them. It is their arrogance and their dark pride that makes this tribe the most susceptible to corruption by the Wyrm.

Silent Striders
The Silent Striders are nomads driven out of Egypt long ago by Vampires in ancient times. They are respected for their wisdom by the other tribes, but their solitary and secretive natures make it difficult for other Garou to accept them. They carry with them many secrets and rarely speak unless it is pertinent. They are aware like none other to signs and omens.

Silver Fangs
As far back as Garou legends can reach, the boldest, strongest, and wisest of the Garou have been Silver Fangs. They are the traditional Leaders of the Garou society. Sadly, they recently have been showing odd quirks (rumored to have spread from inbreeding), suffering from absent-mindedness and mild hallucinations. Fierce and Regal, the Silver Fangs tolerate very little in the way of dissension.

Star Gazers
Eastern Mystics of the Garou, Stargazers spend much of their time in contemplation in dark and lonely places. For the most part, they live a Spartan life, shunning civilization completely. They do not seek material wealth of any kind, considering it a burden to spiritual enlightenment. They seek only truth. Their self appointed mission is to protect the weak from the evil corruption of the Wyrm and guide their fellow Garou into a new era of peace.

Mostly Native American, these Garou are now spread world wide in search of knowledge. No other tribe knows more about the ways of spirits then the Uktena. The "real" world is not important to the them. Uktena would rather be in the Umbra than on Earth. They also feel it is their duty to watch over the Wyrm-ridden areas and to protect other garou from it. Uktena are secretive and are often accused of allying with the Wyrm because of their careful study of it.

Last of the Pure Native American tribe, they have not yet integrated well with the rest of the Garou. They resent all other Garou for taking the Americas from the natives. They can only claim the Uktena as friends, and the best of the other tribes are treated in a cold manner. Wendigo are masters of woodland survival, becoming one with the land and letting the spirits guide them.

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