Werewolf: the apocalypse
Rite of Passage.
Typical trials for the Rite of Passage by Tribe.


The Final Rite - The Litany of the Return - Performed on the Returning Pups

[Performed during the Stories and Song portion of the very next moot when the pups return.]
The Talesinger [Looks at the new pack of pups]
I have heard a song of a group of cubs, who have been through danger reborn.

[The pups step forward into the circle]

Who steps from the shadow?

The Pups We, who are not now what we once were.
Talesinger Who comes in the night, cold and hungry?
The Pups We, who do not hunger for prey or warmth, seek wisdom this night.
Talesinger Who comes before us wounded and dying?
The Pups We who have fought the Wyrm and yet live. We who tend our own.
Talesinger Who comes before the fire, nameless?
The Pups We who are without a name, yet seek one.
Talesinger Who comes in the light of the rising moon?
The Pups We who have fought the bitter battle.
Talesinger Who comes in the glory of our Mother?
The Pups Your children once, but never again.
Talesinger Who comes before us as warriors, children no longer?
The Pups We do. We are a pack!
Talesinger So let it be sung, so let it be done. Cubs, you have cleared this first great obstacle in your path, so let your new Rank reflect it. Welcome...Cliath!
[The Cliath (Rank 1) are now free to sing for any Renown, issue forth grievances at Crackings of the Bone, and be given all the rights of a full fledged Garou, such as challenges, duels of honor, titles of honor and respect for their deeds.]


Notes: The Rite of Passage is the Test of Cubs to prove they are worthy to take their role as defenders of Gaia. The Rite of Passage is never easy, there is no guarantee that the Cubs will all survive. Each Tribe has different Rites of Passage as do each Sept. Often, a Sept's Rite of Passage will reflect the customs of the dominate Tribe there. In the end, the Rite of Passage is determined by the Player of the Inceptor and the Storyteller Staff. Listed on this page are the example Rites of Passage found in the Rite of Passage Sourcebook.
Some Tribebooks (such as Fianna) have more information on the Tribe's particular Rite of Passage.

Black Furies Pegasus is called to carry the pups on the Quest. The Tests usually involve either reclaiming a sacred place of Gaia (Caern, Glenn, Holy Place, undefiled forests, etc.), rescue a forgotten animal, or save a woman or child from an abusive or Wyrm tainted relationship or situation (such as a rape).
Bone Gnawers The pups are abducted and sent to an environment totally different from what they are used to (another city or the country perhaps). The pups are expected to survive and return on their own. Of course, sometimes the pups stay in the new city and create a new sept...either way works as far as the Tribe is concerned.
Children of Gaia The pups spend one lunar month in ritual meditation, fasting and preparation. During this time they go on a quest to find their pack totem. Children of Gaia only perform a few Rites of Passage each year (equinoxes and solstices). At the end of the month of questing and on one of the before mentioned sacred nights, the pack participates in a ritual that calls Unicorn who takes the pups to the Children of Gaia homerealm for a test of their hearts, souls, and spirits.

Another version does all that the previous does in the first two sentences except that the pack is sent to a remote place to survive the environment along with pups from other tribes to test their meditation skills as well as diplomatic skills.

Fianna The pups undergo a Test of Wisdom, Tests of Luck and a Tests of Skill. The Fey become intensely involved in the Rite.

It should be noted that the Fianna expect a huge amount of training and skill from their pups and often Fianna must apprentice to an elder for some time before even being allowed to attempt the Rite of Passage.

Get of Fenris One of the most brutal Rites of Passage. Pups who are deemed weak or useless are killed on sight (many severely deformed Metis get this fate) before even being allowed to go on the Rite of Passage. Those who are not killed but still deemed unworthy are banished to a life of being Ronin. The cubs who survive the first culling are then chased by the entire Get of Fenris Sept until they falter, then they are set upon by the Get to fight. They are not expected to win, only to do well and not die. However, pups who do not win are treated as only "marginal" Get.
Glass Walkers Pups are expected to form packs on their own, then they are left to themselves. At some point in the future, the elders will toss the pack headlong into a test and they are evaluated on how they do. They are expected to use any resource available to succeed. If the sept deems them worthy, they are given Tribal Names and the computer access code to the sept's computer network. If they fail, they are tested again at some future point.
Red Talons Pups are sent to commune with nature and assist the dwindling wolf population. Assignments often involve killing poachers, hunters, various other "bad" humans or rescuing wolves from captivity.
Shadow Lords Pups and several kinfolk (who might undergo a First Change during the Rite) are thrown into a pit along with an assortment of weapons. Those that win (not necessarily through combat only) are awarded full status as Garou. Those that lose are stripped forever of the ability to shapeshift as the spirit of the Wolf is ripped from their soul and they are banished to wander the world as shadows of their former selves.
Silent Striders Silent Strider rites are so mysterious that even between themselves, very rarely are any Striders sent on the same type of Rite of Passage. The most common ones involve bringing messages and warnings to very dangerous areas or territories or stepping into a Moon Bridge whose destination is unknown and returning with information on the place they have gone.
Silver Fangs The Silver Fang version of the Rite of Passage sends the pups to an Umbral Realm similar to the Legendary Realm and the Silver Fang Homeland (a place of pristine beauty, like Earth before the Impergium 5000 years ago), here they will relive the life (and greatest trials) of one of their Bloodline ancestors. How the Silver Fang responds to the tests of the past determine how they will be viewed within the Tribe when they return.
Stargazers The pups are sent to a special tower. Here a stairway that spirals around itself three times is set with 21 separate tests, riddles, or puzzles. Those who answer all 21 become adult Stargazers, those who fail are sent back to study some more before they are allowed to try again.
Uktena Pups are taken or sent to an Umbral place known as the "testing ground", here they are introduced to their "Warder" (an Uktena who will be the pack's guide forever, usually the Uktena who performed the Rite). While in the "testing ground" they are exposed to some of the most bizarre truths that the Uktena have discovered.

Uktena who fail have gone insane and become gibbering, slobbering half-wits and are slain mercifully with a dagger of silver.

Wendigo Wendigo pups are sent to the far, frozen north and left with little. They are expected to trek their way back and those who survive are greated with great joy. Sometimes, a different version sends the Wendigo pups into the largest of cities to survive.

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