Werewolf: the apocalypse
Ever since the lead female of a wolf pack was found severely injured and bleeding by the side of a road in Yellowstone National Park, biologists have been trying to determine what happened to her. And the best explanation they have is like a page out of human political history - the lead female, known to be a cruel and malevolent ruler, was apparently the victim of a coup. A few subordinate wolves, including her sister, ganged up on their leader and killed her.
"There are different types of leaders," says Carolyn Callaghan of the Central Rockies Wolf Project, which monitors and studies wolf packs in Banff National Park. "This particular wolf, from what I understand, ruled with and iron fist."

The lead female, also called the alpha female, was found with her jugular vein pierced and with wounds on her body that were consistent with wolf bites. Park officials, who found the wolf on May 8, tried to save her, but were unsuccessful. She died within a few hours

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THE CAMARILLA, VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE, WEREWOLF: THE APOCALYPSE, WRAITH: THE OBLIVION, and CHANGELING: THE DREAMING are all registered Trademarks of White Wolf Game Studios. Any use of White Wolf Game Studios' copyrighted material or trademarks at this WWW site should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.

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