Werewolf Auspices

Garou can change forms at any time they wish, not just during full moons. The moon plays a much bigger part in the life of a Garou than that. The moon that a Garou was born under influences their whole outlook on life and the role that they will play in Garou society.
Ragabash No moon.
These are the lightest in spirit of all the Garou. They have a much better sense of humor, and use it often to teach others. Many times this humor has a dark side, and the most successful of them know just how far is too far. Although annoying, the Trickster strives to bring and understand wisdom through the folly of self-importance and humility. Ragabash are regarded as necessary nuisances, and are given much more of a free reign to bend the Litany and the Traditions. However, A New Moon that tricks to be mean rather then to aid Luna in teaching others to understand her wisdom had best watch his back. Garou are not known for their sense of humor.

Theurge Crescent moon.
These are the shamans and the mystics of the Garou. They deal with the arcane and the spirits. They perform many of the rituals and are consulted by leaders for their knowledge. They serve as healers, prophets, exorcists, diviners, spiritual counselors, purifiers, and summoners. Like the human shamans of Native cultures, Theurge Garou stand aloof and mysterious.

Galliard Gibbous moon.
Galliards are much like the warrior bards of the British Isles. They are the story tellers, teachers, singers and moon dancers. The greatest poems, songs and tales of the Garou have sprung from their fertile minds. Their energetic and inspirational performances infect and entire sept, filling the garou with a sense of belonging and tradition, a large part of Garou society. Also, the Moon Dancers are the final say of what glorious, wise or honorable actions allow a Garou to gain rank within the sept.

Philodox Half moon.
Perhaps the wisest of the auspices to be born under, the Philodox are seen as the judges, lore keepers, and moderators. They make sure that the Garou laws, known as the Litany, are kept. When the litany is violated, they quickly and, at times, brutally enforce justice. Unlike human justice, Garou justice is swift and severe.

Ahroun Full moon.
Like the brightest moon, Ahrouns are the shining example of what the Garou can be... glorious warriors defending Gaia. But they have a tendency to do what most really bright shiny things do, burn out in that blaze of glory. Ahrouns are the toughest fighters, cunning hunters, fierce combatants, but lack in many of the social skills that make one want to be around them very long. Usually, the Philodox of the Garou have to prevent the Ahrouns from killing the Ragabash.

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