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About Fox Telecommuting





Who Am I?

Hi, I'm Amy Fox, founder of Fox Telecommuting.  I'm the mother of three boys, a wife, a daughter, and a sister. Since I was a child, I've been struggling with Agoraphobia and Social Phobia, which has kept me a prisoner in my own home.  It wasn't easy, but eventually I was able to ask for help and sought medical assistance to regain my life.  As I grew in therapy, I was able to go back to school.  Later, I became pregnant with my third son during my Junior year.  Now a senior, I've taken some time off to spend with my family.

In response to being isolated again, I've been struggling with my fears, resisting the urge to return to my past solitary lifestyle.  I know that I should be out facing my fears, yet I'm here trying to get a job from home, which would give me more reason to get comfortable and refuse to return to school later.

Through this time, I've discovered that I want to become more of an activist in the field of telecommuting and fight for the right for people to work at home if they want to.  Additionally, all of the people I've met have been very supportive, giving me encouragement and the desire to succeed.  I hope that I can give the same back to everyone else.

I started the Fox Telecommuting website on August 26, 2002 because I was plain tired of trying to find work online that I didn't have to pay for.  It was so time consuming to sift through the long lists of links, so I made note of what sites were free and helpful, placing them all on one page so other people looking for a home based job wouldn't have to look as hard.  My lists and interests continue to broaden, so, therefore, does this site. I've continued to expand it to discuss other areas of employment including small business ownership and education.

In the first month, about 350 people visited the site, giving me feedback to why they wanted to work from home.  I met many wonderful people who inspired me to work harder.  That's why I began adding more to the site.  Still looking for work myself, I expanded into article writing, added a section for freelancing and franchising, and started a page entirely for others to advertise and post messages on.

I've redone the page three times now, and don't plan on stopping soon.  If there's anything else that you would like to know, any comments you have, or suggestions, please email me.  I love getting feedback from everyone who visits.


Thank You,

Amy Fox



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