How to Form a Support Group in Your Area

Ideas for a Successful Group

Making YOUR Support Group part of the Rose Rock Global Homeschool Network

Tools to help your support group grow


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I have had several people ask me, lately, how to set up a local support group in their area. What makes a support group popular? How do we get our kids to communicate? I'll try to address all these questions here.

1) Our philosophy: We are an INCLUSIVE support group open to all homeschoolers. We value and respect our different educational philosophies as well as our diverse religious views and affiliations. Because we have different backgrounds, we require acceptance (or at least polite toleration) of all members. Our common ground is that we are all home educating, and we have children who just want to have some fun.

2) Our local groups try to do lots of outings. Many of our outings are educational and many are purely social. Our #1 goal when we get together is to communicate with other homeschoolers. That is true for both teachers and students. Secondary is the educational benefit. We really enjoy ourselves when we get together and always look forward to the next chance to meet. Many of us don't care for hiking, but we hike anyway. Some don't care for "meetings" but meet anyway. The companionship we get far outweighs the personal displeasure we might hold for the event.

3) We always try to DO LUNCH before or after a field trip. Sure, when you go on a field trip you are busy keeping up with the docent and don't have time to chat. That is why we always bring our lunches and go to a park or go to a restaurant (fast food or other) after the tour. This is where we chat. Sometimes we throw our kids together at their own table so they can get to know each other too. Sometimes that is hard because our kids may be shy. However, once they get past the first hurdle the rest is easy. They soon are friends and are wanting to do sleep overs and invite each other to birthday parties, etc. Whisper in your child's ear a topic to start up with, "Ask the new girl if she has any pets or what she likes to do on weekends." Before you know it, you'll be saying "PIPE DOWN! Your getting too loud over there!" ;-)

4) Get the word out. Many of our new members find out about us through other members in their ISP (Independent Study Program). Some find us through the State Homeschool Network. Some find us by doing a search on the internet. It doesn't hurt a bit to become a local contact for your state's homeschool network.

5) Make your group free and your calendars easy to access. For people without internet access, we have a contact that will print up calendars and mail them out to people who send in a stamped self addressed envelope for each month. Some RR groups have homeschoolers with internet connection assigned to homeschoolers without. It works kind of like a phone chain.

6) Everyone gets involved. If only 1 person were planning all the events for the group, little would get done. If I were doing it all alone, NOTHING would get done. Everyone is encouraged to set up field trips and outings that they are interested in.

7) Don't let the activities start and end with the group. Invite your new friends over! You'll probably visit more with families that have kids the age of yours, but that is ok. This is why you felt the need to get involved with a support group, isn't it?

8) Many new members have a LOT of questions about how to homeschool in your area. Be prepared with some source of answers for them. It could be as simple as sending them to the Rose Rock pages, or recommending a book or publication for them to read.

9) Run a local e-mail loop and/or phone tree to keep local members up to date on events.

Rose Rock Network Membership:
Why would you want to become part of the Rose Rock Global Homeschool Network?
So you can say that your state or local support group is part of a much larger community of inclusive homeschoolers. When people move from one area to another, they can go to through Rose Rock to find another local inclusive support group that they KNOW fits what they need!

Another reason: Rose Rock belongs to its members. When your group joins the network, you become part owner of it. There is no ruler of the Rose Rock Network. It is a democracy with no president! Cool huh? To be involved in Rose Rock's democracy, you must join our e-mail loop. That is where changes and additions are presented for a vote. All members of your group are invited to join the loop. That is also where we get to know each other.
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Also, it will help generate new membership to your group because we put a link to you on our membership page.

I can think of lots of good reasons to join, but I can't think of any reason why not. There are only benefits! :-D

How to join the network:

Just write me and ask! If your group is inclusive, you won't be turned down.
You may use the Rose Rock name and call yourself a chapter or sister group if you are an inclusive group (as outlined in number 1 of this page. :-) Of course you don't HAVE to use the Rose Rock name. Call yourself anything you want! Send me your web links, e-mail contact, phone number if you want it on the www, and a short description of the group so we can help you get the word out. Use the following tools too!

Use the Rose Rock Web Site to get the word out
Rose Rock Network Members are listed at Membership. I'll put your group on that list if you'll let me know what you call your group and give me the e-mail address for the link. But you must be an inclusive support group, that is you do not restrict membership based on belief systems or anything else.

Join the Leaders Loop
You are invitied to join the HomeSchoolLeaders Loop! This is where you can talk with leaders of Rose Rock Sister groups, and other inclusive group leaders about leadership problems,without fear of offending a member.

Rose Rock Tshirts to help keep track of all your kids on field trips and such and help get the word out about the network!

Rose Rock Logo
We encourage you but do not require you to paste the Rose Rock Logo on your web site to show that you are a member of this Global Network.  Here is the current rrlogo.jpg.
Go to the logo. Right click on it with your mouse and "save image as" to get it downloaded to your computer. Then paste the logo into your web page!

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