Fort Weyr's current OOC Staff members are:

G'aela, Isryn, Kerryn, Kh'dan, Kiyo, K'rah, M'lan, Murkat, N'cion, P'tala, Sanna, Siani, V'len

*Fort Weyr's OOC Staff consists of those members who have the ability to write and/or change existing Fort Weyr policies such as our Residency policy and Search policy. 

*Only OOC Staff have the power to add or remove residents at Fort Weyr which is why residency requests should be sent directly to *StaffFW.  OOC Staff members should take the time to answer any questions a new resident-to-be might have concerning Fort Weyr or VirtuaPern, and to also help them with their descriptions if needed in order to maintain proper ICness.

*OOC Staff members are available to answer questions people may have about any Fort Weyr policies or about the Weyr itself.  They are also available to handle any other questions, concerns, or disputes among Weyr residents.

*Only OOC Staff members have access to the Fort Weyr Builder.  They may use the Builder to dig rooms for posted crafters or married residents, as well as to fix room descriptions, exit messages, or to perform other Weyr maintenance that requires the Builder.

*Fort Weyr's OOC Staff members are on /equal/ footing regardless of IC position at the Weyr.  No one Staff member, including the Senior Weyrwoman, has more power than the other.  Perio

Meet the Fortians
Search Policy
Residency Policy
Current Staff
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