Team Freedom is a Super Group on the Justice Server in City of Heros (tm)

Team Freedom
Defending Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
Are you a Patriotic Themed Hero?
Are you looking for Super Group to join??
Then Team Freedom wants you!
Simply send a "tell" to Flyboy, Pat Riot,
Amerikana or AeroForce when you
see them online. Or, send an email to:
[email protected]
All levels, Origins, Arch Types, genders,
nationalities and states/provences are
welcome. Our only requirement is that
your Costume and Name fit a Patriotic
theme and fits the Team Motto.
During the course of the Rikti War, doctors treating wounded civilians had noticed unusual
wounds. Survivors of those attacks would begin to develop unusual powers and abilities. Some
scientists theorize this is the cause of sudden rise of super powered heroes in locations around
the world. The high number of heroes appearing in areas of concentrated fighting, such as
Paragon City, seems to lend credence to these theories.
One group of scientists decided to delve into the reasons why this would occur. They began
gathering Rikti technology to better understand how this may affect humans. They discovered
an unknown element they dubbed Riktium that supplied power for the Rikti drones and blaster
rifles. They refined this element into a serum and first experimented on animals. Most of the
animal subjects died, but those that survived began to exhibit unusual characteristics, such as
near human sentience. Some even began to develop supernatural powers. Convinced they
found what they had been looking for, they needed human test subjects. The research team
turned to the military for volunteers, and the military, seeing a chance to advance many of
their weapons programs, obliged.
The volunteers who survived did develop Super Powers. The types and ranges varied, but they
all exhibited one trait in common. Their bodies channeled Riktium in manners similar to the
drones, granted them some form of “energy power”. Some, like Flyboy and Amerikana are able
to channel it into bolts of Plasm (energy blast). Some can form the plasm around their hands for
close range attacks (energy melee and energy manipulation). And in some, the changes are
more hidden. Other abilities form as well, and the factor for these are unknown, as each person
has developed differently. For example Flyboy and Amerikana, as mentioned before, can focus
the plasm into bolts of energy. Flyboy has attained the ability to fly without mechanical
assistance, but Amerikana hasn’t. Instead Amerikana has developed an innate attunment to
her teammates, and is capable of teleporting them across vast distances. Pat Riot has become
near Invulnerable to all forms of physical damage.
Realizing the risk Riktium poses to the general public, the US government took over the project
and put a halt to the development of “Super Soldiers”. The surviving volunteers where recruited
into a new division of Home Land security, the office of Supernormal Affairs, and thus Team
Freedom was born. The goals of Team Freedom are to defend Against threats to Life, Liberty
and the Pursuit of Happiness. This is accomplished by working with law enforcement agencies to
assist in deterring crime; public appearances at schools to speak with students, and by striking
out against hate groups such as the 5th Column. In addition, they keep an eye out for others
who have developed the ability to manipulate Riktium in order to assist them in learning to
develop their abilities.
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