J.R.R. Tolkien

Edgar Allen Poe



Pablo Neruda

Jorge Luis Borges

Edwin Alrington Robinson
- check out his book/poem Tristram, he's not just famous for "Richard Cory"

Lord Alfred Tennyson

Edna St. Vincent Millay

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Robert Browning

Longfellow, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Joyce, Kilmer, A.E. Houseman, John Masfield (for "Sea Fever' on it's own), George Perkin Morris (for "Woodsman, Spare that Tree), Edmund Vance Cooke (for "Rags" a poem that will rip your heart out) and many more masters but I am trying to limit my favorites


- "Moonlight Sonata" is my favorite, closely followed by "Fur Elise,"  '"The Fifth," and "The Seventh"

Marilyn Manson
- "Minute of Decay" being my favorite but it's really hard to choose with his variety.  He's my favorite modern musician. He's My Man.

- Kurt Cobain and Manson are my idols.  (They are both My Men) Courtney killed him--that bitch. Watch the movie Kurt and Courtney, then you'll  know the truth..

Bob Dyla
n- He's The Man. Best damn lyricist ever. I have come to appreciate his voice as a unique musical instrument much like the bagpipes. Apparently not for most, except die hard fans.

Nine Inch Nails

White Zombie

Alice Cooper

Rage Against the Machine

Lords of Acid

Thrill Kill Cult


Red Hot Chili Peppers

Counting Crows



Joni  Mitchell

Liz Phair

Alanis Morisette

Meredith Brooks

Juliana Hatfield


Fiona Apple

Sarah McLachlan

Loreena McKennitt


  Dave Matthew's when he sings Johnny Cash's "Long Black Veil" is hypnotic. (Not so when Johnny Cash sings it.)  I also like "Grave Digger" and "Greystreet" a lot. Richard Thompson's "
1952 Vincent Black Lightning " goes on a list of it's own.
  I like most music.  I am even learning to like some country.  Nix bluegrass and jazz though.  Otherwise most of the big hits from the 50's, 60's, some funky 70's like "Kung Fu Fighting" (hell yeah, reminds me of
Caine), 80's, and 90's.  Little today.   Lot' s of up and coming folk singers- Jeffery Hyde Thompson, Jodie Manross, Ellis Paul, Matraca Berg (her song "Lying to the Moon" is haunting), Phillis Tannerfrye ("Gypsy Woman" rules), Brooks Williams, and Laurie McClain.   


The Hobbit
- 1978 animated version

The Lord of the Rin
gs- 1979
animated version by Ralph Bakshi.
Everyone seems to hate it but me.  I even
talked to Anthony Daniels (the voice of my
Dream Prince- Legolas)  once about it andhe regretted it.  What a heartbreak! But atleast Arwen isn't chunky and all the elveshair matches their eyebrows in this one.Orlando Bloom is hot but the animated Legolas is by far the hottest.  Plus John Hurt (bio) is in it.  He's in like 6 out of mytop ten favorite movies.  He is The Man too.

Return of the Kin
g- 1980 (the year I
was born) animated version.  Don't get me wrong the new ones are good too but I wasbottle fed on these movies since I was like 3

Watership Down

Plague Dogs

The Last Unico
rn- see pics

Flight of Dragons

Interview with a Vampir
e- But not
Queen of the Damned.  Horribly shoddy
work!  Didin't follow any of the books at
all.  Plus minused Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt
Antonio Bander
as, and Christian Slater.  I
mean, can you fit more hot guys into one
movie than that

Pirates of the Carribe
an- Jack can be my Captain any day! He is totally My Man,savvy? Johnny Depp rules in every part and he always plays my fave types-gypsy, pirate, writer (twice), druggie (twice), biker, Nat. Am., recluse, misunderstood freak, dreamer, noble who is a porno poet, hit man. There's nothing sexy left besides vampire.  He needs to play a vampire, badly!

Vampire Hunter D and the sequel BloodLust

Star Wars Trilog
y- only the original
three.  Before Darth there was nothing.
Darth Vader is my Daddy!  Take that as
you will.  But seriously is he not the
supreme Daddy of the universe?  There's
never been more ado made about someone being someone else's father.

Indiana Jones Trilogy

The Godfather Trilog
y- Yes, I like
the third movie.  It wraps things up and
besides Vincent is HOT

Silence of the Lambs Trilog
Hannibal is pretty much The Man but he's
not My Man. But as far as cannibals go, he rocks hard!  Admit it.  He's charming

The Little Mermaid
- 70's anime
version.  Please, she is suppose to DIE at
the end.  That's the whole damn point



The Princess Bride

The Black Cauldron

The Life and Adventures of Santa Cla
us- a Rankin/Bass claymation

Dead Poet's Society

-There's a mind fuck for you.

Fear and Loathing in Las Veg
Reminds me of my teenage years. Hunter
S. Thompson is also pretty much The Man but not My Man.
Johnny Depp is though. This just happens to be the only movie he doesn't look painfully beautiful in.
Chasing Amy


  Close runner's up are Willow; Dune; Bed
of Roses; Untamed Heart; What Dreams
May Come; Toy Soldiers; Finding
Forrester; Dances with Wolves; Robin
Hood (Disney or with Costner); Sliding
Doors (trippy); Run, Lola, Run (trippy); 12 Monkeys (trippy); Seven; All the Little
Animals; and the Harry Potter Series
(especially Prisoner of Azkaban--I love
trippy movies). I just love too many
movies. I could name lots more. Just about anything John Hurt is in rules.  Not
Midnight Express--unless you like the idea
of being stuck in a Turkish prison for about a decade--freaky bad mojo
  J.R.R. Tolkien - Lord of the
Rings, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion,
The History of Middle-Earth Series
(especially The Lays of Beleriand),  The
Unfinished Tales, anything the man has
ever written or is written about him

Anne Rice - The Vampire
Chronicles,  her new vampire series

Richard Adams - Watership
, Tales from Watership Down,
The Plague Dogs, Shardik

  Jane Yolen - The Pit Dragon
Trilogy, her  short short stories and
children's picture books (like  Encounter
and Dove Isabeau)

Patricia C. Wrede - The
Enchanted Forest Chronicles, her short

Tanith Lee -needs no introduction,
mostly read her short stories or books of
short stories like Red as Blood and The
Sister's Grimmer

  Robin McKinley- needs no
introduction, but faves are her less
renowned works like Spindle's End,
Rose Daughter, Beauty, Deerskin, Outlaws of Sherwood  and
her short stories, rather than her most acclaimed The Blue Sword and The Hero and the Crown

   Anne McCaffrey-
her Harper Hall Trilogy (Dragonsinger, Dragonsong, Dragondrums), yet to read ALL the Dragonriders of Pern books

   Susan Fletcher
- Dragon's Milk,
Dragon Kyn, The Sign of the Dove,
Shadow Spinner

  Ellen Datlow and Terri
- as editors for the fairy tale
anthologies-- Snow White, Blood Red;
Black Thorn, White Rose; Ruby
Slippers, Golden Tears; Black Swan,
White Raven; Silver Birch, Blood Moon;
and Black Heart, Ivory Bones--check
these books out for stories from
awesome writers like Anne Bishop,
Patricia McPhillip, and Nancy Kress
whose books I've never seen

  Andrew Lang - colored fairy

Marie de France- her Lais of
Marie de France, (James Reeves does a
great retelling in Shadow of the Hawk)

Rudyard Kipling- The Jungle
Book, The Just-So Stories

James Howe- The Bunnnicula
series (for children but great)

Dr. Seuss-  The Lorax, The
Sneetches, The Butter Battle Book, other

  Walter Farley- The Black Stallion

Steven Cosgrove and Robin
- The Serendipity Series

Gail Carson Levine- The
Princess Tales

Vampire the Masquerade- the
series of most of the books and the
role-playining game

The Enchanted World Series-
by Time Life

  Ayn Rand- Anthem; yeah her full novels are just loooong and about her dream men, too industrial- even the movies are kind of slow

  Peter S. Beagle- The Last
Unicorn, The Unicorn Sonata (not quite as good)

  Peter Dickinson- Flight of

  Jack London- White Fang, Call of
the Wild

  Mercer Mayer- more for his little
known but beautiful book The Sleeping
Beauty than for Where the Wild Things
Are or There's a Nightmare in my closet,
though those are classics

Also good are Stardust (Neil Gaiman),
The Changeling (Zilpha Keatley Snyder),
The Moorechild (Eloise McGraw), A
Rat's Tale
(Tor Siedler) and  I, Houdini
(Lynne Reid Banks).
  Tons of children's books- The Giving
Tree (rules for us hippies); One Unicorn,
Sarah's Lion, Sarah's Unicorn, The
Rough-Faced Girl, The Seal Prince, new
fairy tale picture books like Rapunzel,
The Twelve Dancing Princesses, and
Sleeping Beauty. 
  Old sagas like Beowulf, The Elder
Eddas, Parzival (Wolfram Von
Eschenbach), Tristan (Gottfried Von
Straussburg) and other older Authrurian
  Good distopias--Animal Farm, Brave
New World, and Feed  (1984 is too
depressing-see the movie starring John
Hurt). Gulliver's Travels (Jonathan
Swift)--the part with the Whynnins and
Utopia (Thomas Moore) are good for the
opposite effect

T.V. Series

The Mysterious Cities of Gold-
A great but mostly forgotten
French/Japanese animated series which
totally rocked and even had historically
acurate facts about the European invasion of South and Central America.  Very cool to learn about the Incas, Aztecs, and Mayas when you're 6.

Brother's Grimm Fairy Tale

Conan the Barbarian


He-Man and She-ra
- the 80's one

G.I. Joe

My Little Ponies
- also the 80's one

The Storyteller- Jim Henson's,
John Hurt --The Man.

Young Riders- Buck is totally My

Sea Quest- Lucas and Tony are both
My Men. (I am greedy. I have a whole

Quantum Leap

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Kung Fu-
Caine is The Man all on his
own without my help.

Fushigi Yugi- The Mysterious
Play- Anime series in which Emperor
Hotohori is
My Man

Space Ghost: Coast to Coast-
Zorak rocks and could rule the universe ifit weren't for my dad (Darth Vader).

Queer as Folk- Brian is an ass but
he's HOT. Michael is cute and sweet.
Debbie is the coolest mom


Writing- poetry and prose

Reading- fantasy; poetry; myths; sagas; fairy tales; archaic plays-Greek,
Shakespearian; history and culture-
Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Celtic, Norse,
Native N. and S. American; philosophy-
Greek (Socrates through Plato especially), Neitzche, utopias/distopias; psychology

Art- drawing, collages, painting figurines

Dancing- contra, waltz, belly dancing, swing, fire dancing, techno

Gaming- D&D, Magic, P.C., Nintendo

Philosophy- seeking for meaning and
the Answers, meditation, rituals, lucid
dreaming, altered states of consciousness

Playing- creating fantasy worlds for
stuffed animals, Breyer horses, My Little
Ponies, etc.

Extreme Sports- bungee jumping,
white water rafting, rock climbing,
repelling, mosh pit; crowd surfing

Outdoor Pastimes- swimming,
diving, hiking, camping
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