About Me
   My name is Sarah Beth Deckard.  Born Feb. 14, 1980.  I am 5'8" with long blonde hair and blue/grey/green eyes (you figure it out).  But you can see all that from my pictures. I am a writer (novels, short stories, poems) who sometimes goes by the pen name Metana Walkingwolf.  As one of my passions is writing, I have included a poetry section.  No short stories or novels though, my poems are long enough.  Also, I have more songs but since I can't read music well I just sing them to the cadence in my head.  I am working on getting the notes down at least, though I have no idea how to add what the drums should be doing at this particualar time and such because I only have ever learned a little guitar, piano, and clarinet. 
   Though there are a lot of very personal poems on here, please remember that artisits take creative liberties.  Some poems are about friends even if they are not named in honor of someone.  In others, the "I" is speaking for the narrator, not me.  You will find if you read that, for example, I am not a male vampire, male fairy mourning for his love, or a young Native American man in AZ, nor have I been
naively seduced by a lesbian.  Despite my minor in psychology (and philosophy), I can never seem to get people to understand this without outright telling them. These are also not all of my works, however I have gotten on a roll and put quite a lot on here.
      I have by-passed the agenting industry and gone straight to self-publication.  My first book, which is of re-told fairy tales, is called
A tapestry of Tales and should be coming out this winter. I also have a novel called The Prince Who Came Too Soon which is a re-telling of the Sleeping Beauty tale and two book of poetry called Ecclectia and The Dark Heart of the Sun currently unpublished but complete.  In progress, I have another book of short fantasy stories, and one of more modern tales.  My published poems are on this site.  I don't feel the need to distinguish them (they are too few) nor give out where they can be bought.  They were either in magazines or anthologies which you can't really get unless you backorder. I am a Distinguished Member of the International Society of Poets and have been published by the National Library of Poetry. I was also nominated for Poet of the Year by the ISP in 1997.  This may make me seem like I have a lot of merit but if you are familiar with these establishments then you know better.   However, the NLP did put my poem, read aloud, on a cassette tape which I am under the impression they don't do for everyone.
      I could talk about writing forever, so sorry for that schpiel.  On to my next biggest vice--fantasy--more particularly J.R.R. Tolkien.  Okay, I think that I was him in my last life because I adore everything he has ever written.   And with the exception of religion and that he writes that dragons, bats, wolves, and cats are evil, I agree with everything the man seems to espouse.  Straight down to love of the night and stars over daytime, the oppinion that silver is prettier than gold (yes, that specific), and the lonely aching lust of the sea.  Okay, it's really the Elves I agree with which brings me to reveal my true self and explain the name of this website.  
     I am a changeling.  My mother was an ocean nymph who was born with the ocean.  My father was an elf.  They exchanged me for my current parent's baby because I am supposed  to help bridge the gap that has come between fantasy and reality and help save Nature while I am here.  My job is to bring Belief back into the world, inspire other dreamers to follow their hearts, and mend the wound between man and his environment.  I am a little overwhelmed about how I am to do this, so besides hands on helping troubled souls and volunteer work, I try to affect this change through my writing.   I can reach more people that way.   I desire to change the world to a better place.  It's why I have been sent and I can't go back home until I have completed my task or my physical body wears out (right now I don't have my true form or else I would be able to breathe water and have fins at will).  I love the forest because I am half elf and it is peaceful but both elves and nymphs pine for the sea.  So I have named myself Wave Wandering, or Flossran in Tolkien's Elvish, because now I can only wander in the surf and yearn to be able to go home to the heart of the ocean.  When I complete my task I will be known as Wave Dancer for then I can rejoice in the sea spray. 
    I have many names.  One is a special sobriquet I share only with my closest friends and was given to me by my best friend at the time.  It sums me up pretty well as a philosopher.  I believe a person should have many names for we play many different roles to different people and in different situations.  Look to T.S. Elliot or watch
Cats for the knowledge that cats have three different names--a common name chosen by someone else at their birth, a more particular name that only one cat ever has, and a secret name that the cat contemplates and will never tell anyone.  My true Nymph name is a secret I discovered through long contemplation.  It is beautiful to think on because it seems to name my soul. 
    My fiance's name is
Eric.  We got together upon an enchanted  Midsummer's night.  He is the Pan to my nymph and a King to my Princess. He's is also a drummer and great cook.  He enjoys fantasy and sci-fi roleplaying games, not to mention all the great 80's movies and TV shows. Eric is very creative.  He listens to mostly heavy metal bands like Opeth, and ones of a Nordic (Mastadon) or Egyptian (Nile) persuation. He is a balanced spirit who is teaching me.  Did I mention he is sexy and sensual? He loves Nature and the same outdoor sports I do.  Eric makes a good dog-tamer as well.  He is currently working with Slash.  His dog, Rockford--1/2 boxer, 1/2 beagle-- is a new additon to our family.  I don't have any pictures of him up yet.
    My current best female friend is also named Sarah (
Sarah Mike).  We have known each other for about 10 years.  She is an aspiring manga artist and is quite good.  She designs her own tatoos.  Sarah M. is smart and hardworking so I'm sure she will make it in her chosen field.  I model for her (as well as for college art clasess and community artists).  She loves fantasy and sci-fi and best a mix of the two.  She is also obsessed with the 80's (it was our childhood years, after all) and the 50's.  We are so open with each other that we probably know all about every secret the other one has.  We also share a great deal of the same political views. 
   My mother's name is
Carol and besides being a great mother, she is also a great friend.  She embodies unconditional love.  I can tell her pretty much anything and do.  She has lived through a lot of shit and yet not been jaded by it like I have.  She is one of the friendliest people you could meet and gets along with all of my friends.  She's a good listener and gives sound advice.  She loves art, music, and literature but we don't generally share interest in the same types of these genres. She likes impressionism, bluegrass and country, and currently reads mostly non-fiction.  She is very supportive of my writing carreer and likes to read my work.  She also turned me on to Tolkien at age 3 so she is very cool.
   Some of my other best friends chose to remain anonymous, so I have not put them on the site.  However, there is some poetry concerning them up for viewing.  This was okayed by them.  (Other poetry that was not okayed includes ones to exes--friends or lovers and even lovers of my friends--but they can kiss my ass.  Look for the smiley faces with bullet holes through them as a background since none of these people are special enough to have a personal background.)
    I have three dogs.  Pictures of all of them are on this site under "Pics" then "My Pets."  
    Vengeance is a solid black German shepherd who is 8 years old and about 120 lbs.  He looks vicious and scary and he can be.  But most of the time he is a huge lap dog.  He loves men, especially Dave, but will desert him in favor of a big burly man if one comes over.  He also loves car rides and to play in the hose--he bites at the water. His favorite thing in the world is "
The Man Blanket."  (I am saddened to add that Vengeance died at 9 yrs old this past Spring--April 2008.  I am leaving his pictures up as a tribute.)
     Neptune is my baby, even though he's over 4 years old.  He is a black and tan German shepherd and weighs about 75 lbs.  He is a little skinny but refuses to eat dog food.  He does all the cute doggy tricks that real life dogs never seem to do--plays fetch, chases his tail, patrols the yard.  Most importantly he loves his Mommy more than anything in the world.  He wakes me up in the morning with kisses and puts me to bed by checking for "bad guys" in my room.  He even wrote me a
poem once.  He's a total Momma's boy and I love it.  He is also very protective of me and jealous, especially of his brother whom he will growl at if he tries to love on me.
     Slash, though now over a year and a half old, her refuses to grow up. He is a Doberman Pincher--born on St. Patty's Day.  His current favorite hobbies haven't changed since he was a puppy.  They include chewing, chewing, destroying everything he can, and harrassing his older brother.  Neptune has the patience of a saint with him but is less annoyed now that this burden is shared with Rockford.  Aside from his stubborness, Slash is a very sweet and loving dog, who gives Mommy kisses on demand--this is a very important aspect. He loves to lounge around on furniture and people.  I've succesfully turned him into a lifelong 90 lbs lapdog..
     If you want to know about my hobbies and favorite things  that would be under a normal person's "About Me" page, check out my "Favorites."  There is too much to put here.  I know this has been long but I have just written here what I think is essential to know who I am and who is important to me.

Writing Credits

With Flute and Drum and Pen,  1997
       also on the tape
Sounds of Poetry, 1997, and Poetry.com

�Trapped� -
The Rustling Leaves, 1997
                  also on Poetry.com

Best Poets of 1998
       also on Poetry.com

�Elven Love of a Mortal Maid�-
Minas Tirith, Evening Star: Journal of the American Tolkien Society,   Vol. 34, Number 3; Autumn 2005

�Night Dancer�-
Minas Tirith, Evening Star: Journal of the American Tolkien Society,   Vol. 34, Number 4; Winter 2005

�Prince of Unobserved Royalty�-
Minas Tirith, Evening Star: Journal of the American Tolkien Society,   Vol. 35, Number 1; Spring 2006

�Arwen's Pledge�-
Minas Tirith, Evening Star: Journal of the American Tolkien Society,   Vol. 35, Number 1; Spring 2006

�The Poetry of Pain�-
Transcendent Visions, 2007

�Fairy's Lament�-
Northern Stars, Jan/Feb 2007

Northern Stars, Mar/Apr 2007

�Where Have All The Maidens Gone�-
        May 2007, Final Issue

�Frodo's Delirium�-
Minas Tirith, Evening Star: Journal of the American Tolkien Society,   Vol. 36, Number 2; Summer/Autumn 2007

Children, Churches, and Daddies, v175; Aug 2007
         also on-line at http://scars.tv/cgi-bin/framesmain.pl?writers
         and in
We the Poets anthology by Scars Publication, Nov. 2007

Children, Churches, and Daddies, v176; Sept 2007
                    also on-line at http://scars.tv/cgi-bin/framesmain.pl?writers

�Dark Knight�-
Twisted Tongue, issue 9; Feb 2008

�Decomposing Autonomy�-
Twisted Tongue, issue 9; Feb 2008

Twisted Tongue, issue 9; Feb 2008

�Waking the Reaper�-
Dark Distortions I; March 2008

Tapestry of Tales: Classic Fairy Tales Retold
� Oct. 2008
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