Jones Family Reunion
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Uriah Jones married Ann Columbia. Both Uriah and Ann were born in North Carolina. They had twelve children. Nine were living in 1910 -- Carrie, Crockett, Mary, Harris, Joe, Paul, Jason, Nellie V., and Barcey.

It is believed that around 1900 the family moved from North Carolina to Georgia. The 1910 US Census shows Uriah and Ann living in Irwin County, Georgia, with four of their children -- Paul, Jason, Nellie V., and Barcey Z. Uriah and Ann had been married for 29 years as stated on the census report. Uriah's occupation is reported as a general farmer.

The 1920 US Census reports that Uriah and Ann were still living in Irwin County, Georgia. Barcey is shown as living with them and helping them on their farm. Their sons, Harris and Joe, are reported with their families as living close by in Irwin County. Paul is reported with his wife and daugher as living in Coffee County, Georgia.

Today, the descendants of Uriah and Ann live in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Minnesota, Oklahoam, Oregon, and Tennessee.

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