This is Alison

Deaf Poems


What is it like to be deaf?

People have asked me. Deaf? Oh, hmmm, how do I explain that? Simply, I can't hear. On, it is much more than that. It is similar to a goldfish in a bowl. Always observing things going on. People talking all the time. It is being a man on his own island Among foreigners. Isolation is not stranger to me. Relatives say hi and bye. But I sit for five hours among them. Talking great pleasure at amusing babies. Reading books, resting, helping out with food. Natural curiosity perks up Upon seeing great laughter, crying upsets. Inquire only to meet with "Never mind", "Oh, it is not important," Getting such a summarized statement Of whole story. Supposed to smile to show the hanppiness. Little do they know how truly miserable I am? People are in control of language usage, I am at loss and real uncomfortable! Always feeling of being an outsider Among the hearing people Even if it was not their intention. Always assume that I am part of them By my physical presence, not understanding The importance of communication. Facing the choice between the Deaf Camping Weekend and Family Reunion. Facing the choice between the family commitment And Deaf friends, I must make the choice constantly, Any wonder why I choose Deaf friends? I get such great pleasure at Deaf Clubs, Before I realized, it is already 2 a.m., Whereas I anxiously look at the clock Every few minutes in the family reunion. With Deaf people, I am so normal, Our communication flows back and forth, Catching up with little trivial, our daily life, Our frustration in the bigger world, Seeking the mutual understanding, Contented smiles and laughing are musical. So magical to me So attuned to each other's feelings. Truly happiness so important. I feel more at home with Deaf people Of various color, religious, short or tall, Then I do among my own hearing relatives. And wonder why? Our language is common. We understand each other. Being at loss in control Of environment, that is, communication, People panic and retreat to avoid, Deaf people are like plague. But Deaf people are still human beings With dreams, desires and needs Have belonged just like everyone else.

By: Dianne

Deaf eyes

All eyes are myth. Who understand the mystery of eyes? You have to be entirely deaf to acknowledge our myth making eyes. Our eyes are complex vision different from the hearing world's eyes, We live in a world of complete silence; being in a deaf person's eyes all is myth. In a deaf person's eyes is the imagery of sound made beautiful, in deaf eyes the music is rhythm, beat, is feeling. Our eyes are our ears, our hands are our voice, in deaf eyes our hands are a magnificent voice with the beautiful motion called "sign language." In deaf eyes are pride; living in a deaf person's world, no hearing world can describe what's in deaf eyes!

By Dan Patria

I Like to be Deaf

I was born deaf and I like the way I am. When I am sad I hear nothing to cheer me up, no music, and no company. I can't hear the birds chirp in the morning, neither the droplets of early morning dew. I can feel, look at the sky, it's the color of love Love brings us together, I can communicate, even though I can't hear I use my imagination like if I were hearing, deafness makes no difference. I am deaf, I accept it and I won't change it. Love mends your heart, I am deaf but the rest of me is like you!

Author~~Victor D. Valdez


Hey there friend, you�ve got a hand Help me see what you say to me Don�t hide your hand My ears are closed, I cannot hear But we can share the world, don�t fear Just lend a hand. Lend a hand and I can show you How to sing words in the air You can share my world of silence God gave us a dream to share I�m reaching out to you There�s so much we can do. Before you knew, I walked with you Until today you turned away See what I say The world that you are hearing now Is the same world that I see Reach out your hand, I hear your hand. Lend a hand and I can show you How to sing words in the air You can share my world of silence God gave us a dream to share I�m reaching out to you There�s so much we can do. They call me deaf, but I can see Birds singing, and breezes in the trees And children laugh My world is lonely without you Just look at me and smile And clasp my hand in yours. Give me your hand and learn my language You can speak signs in the air We can reach for the stars about us I�ve so much I want to share I�ll share my life with you God can make dreams come true.

By Mary Jane Rhodes and T.Daniel Robbins

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