Real Videos likes to show the Newsboys quite a bit-- obviously they know whose fans are the most fanatical. :-) Here's an episode made on March 10, 2000 at the Irvine show of the Love Libery Disco tour. It's especially close to my heart because I was at that concert and backstage afterwards! I'm still mad that there was so much going on that I never noticed. Anyway, here we go:

Pete and Jeff alight from the tour bus looking for T-Bone (the host of Real Videos).

Meanwhile, T-Bone (who appears to be caught in a magical time warp in which night has already come) can't get backstage to interview them, because the security dude is making him wait in line.

Here's a random airdome shot.

"That T-Bone... disses us again... looks like it's up to us."

Pete and Jeff show off their pet Supertone (Matt Morginsky, the lead singer).

Matt is induced to wave shyly to the camera.

An introduction to on-the-road catering-- Peter shows us the cherry cobbler (which sounds cooler when he says it.)
Jeff talks about "something dear to our hearts-- transportation."

Of course he means the bikes, which the the Newsboys take on tour and ride at every opportunity. (I saw them there! Parked just like that! Why didn't I get my picture next to them? Why? Why? Why?)
Peter shares some fascinating details about the structure and operation of the airdome.
Peter's still talking, and Jeff is beginning to snooze. (He can't help it-- narcolepsy, you know.)
Look, you can see the shadow of the video camera on Peter's head! It's fun to be bald. :)
"Did you know that if you walk around this dome four times you've walked a mile? Did you know that?"
"The most expensive thing on the tour so far is the toilet truck."
The Discobug. Some lucky fan won it-- all I know is it wasn't me.
Jeff shows us the food stand "for fans who want their little bit of grease before the show." Why couldn't the Newsboys offer to share their cherry cobbler? That's what I want to know.
The merch getting unpacked. See that poster? It's now hanging over my bed. :)
Pastor Bill Furler gets dragged into the show: "It's Real Videos, Dad-- you're gonna be famous now!"
Like father, like son (more or less). Look, they cancel each other out!
A nice profile of Pete's dad.
He's nothing if not enthusiastic: "It's good to be here, great to travel with the Newsboys! Been with them for some time... twelve years now... What a mighty group they are! This is my son Peter, I'm proud of him, and this here is Jeff Frank-- he's a great guy too. It's been a great tour and it's gonna be a wonderful show tonight! Come along!"
Peter: "It's sold out, Dad."
Bill: "Oh!"
Jeff: "Thanks Pastor Furler, I'll give you that 50 bucks later. You did a great job-- just like the script I wrote!"

On to Page II

Thyself thou gav�st, thy own worth then not knowing,
Or me, to whom thou gav�st it, else mistaking;
So thy great gift, upon misprision growing,
Comes home again, on better judgment making.
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