Peter (doesn't he have a sweet face?) takes us into the empty dome...
...where he performs a little magic trick...
...and causes the guitars to appear!
Well, not quite. But anyway, the basses on the near end are Phil's, the three guitars on the far end are Jody's and that Gretsch in the middle ("the best-looking one") is Peter's.
Jeff talks about the guy who takes care of the Newsboys' instruments (now there's a job I'd like!)
"Jay does a luscious job of settin' up my keyboards every night, makin' me sound good."
Just a cute grin. For all you Jeff fans out there who've been pestering me.
Of course, those drums are still the Newsboys' trademark.
T-Bone finally manages to sneak backstage and contemplates stealing one of the bikes.
The Bald Ones meet at last.
"We already did the interview-- you weren't here."
Peter is horrified to learn that T-Bone wasn't allowed in.
"I feel really bad!" he says with a big grin on his face.
(Don't worry, folks-- it was all a Real Videos setup. You should've seen the episode where two bands got into a fight... and one band tied the other band up...)
The concert begins and the big stars enter the dome. This here is about the best shot of Jody that I could find in the whole episode. Look at his lovely, um, curly arm!
Phil gives the fans a wave.
Finally it's Peter's turn (I love that flowery coat he wore).
Okay, I couldn't get very good snaps of the concert itself, but hey, I got see it live. :) :)
Jody singing "Shine".
And you Phil fans can just stop complaining. At least you've got one of him-- they never showed Duncan at all!
I was just off to the right of this picture, in case you were wondering. :)
Peter does his preachy thing at the end of the concert.
Kevin Max (from DC Talk-- didja know they used to tour with the Newsboys a lot?) showed up on stage during the playing of Love Liberty Disco. Here he is backstage afterwards with T-Bone, offering compliments to the Newsboys in his usual strange way: "A dome like this-- Elvis hasn't done it since the Vegas Revival!"

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He is wise;
And on my life, hath stol'n him home to bed.
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