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Opened Again.
New Look.

Welcome to Devious Delights, the one stop for all your hottie needs! This is our fantastic Version 3.0! It's going to be bigger and better than 2.0 and 1.0! Don't be afraid to look around and check out all the studs!

Head Webmistress and HTML/Graphic Designer

Hey, I finally reopened the site again because the blood in my veins were just itching to get back to sharing the joy of hotties with other oversexed women just like myself. It might take some time to get fully opened, but I'll try my best to get it up and running fully. Because I'm on Geoshitties.com, I won't have as much space as I had hoped for all the pictures of studly guys, but I'm working on finding a place (as always) with unlimited space. I thought answerz.org would have unlimited space (false advertising assholes...), but when I joined, it turned out I had a HELL of a lot less space than "unlimited" and when I tried to work on the site, it would not display anything. Anyway, it was f---ed up, so until I find a host that will give me unlimited space or until I get enough money to buy my own webspace and domain name, y'all will just have to deal with what I have for now.

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