Your #1 site for pictures, videos, and other stuff about people falling and seriously injuring themselfs
Crazy Stunts
About Us
First off, the stunts on this site are performed by trained professionals in a closed field, or actually stupid idiots at a skatepark or on a driveway. Do not try to recreate any of the blatantly stupid feats performed by us, and if you do, take a picture and send it to us at [email protected]

My name is Tony, a skater from Texas. I skate Toy Machine, Santa Cruz, and Deca. I can't stand Birdhouse, Girl or World decks. Sorry, B-house and World Industries are both completely machine made and I don't like that, and Girl has no concave.

Since the age of 3 I have been doing things most people my age didn't have the guts to do. At 5 years old I would climb up the screen door and I guess that's where my climbing ability comes from.

Skateboarding has been my thing for 3 years, and my friends, mostly in our Pimps/Skaters association, say I am a fast learner. I guess some of my best tricks are:
1. Triple kickflip on a kicker
2. Method acid drop off of a roof
3. Finger flip on a halfpipe
Spencer is our first staff member here at other than I. Spencer owns a Digital Camcorder, meaning he is head of video. You will see his footage all over this site by Spring 2000.

Though he is not into skate or BMX, he rides Honda MX. Spencer is one of the best dirt bikers we know. You can expect to see a dirt section for Spencer's videos very soon.
About the Site
About the Staff
The page was designed and is being updated by Tony Emerson. Do NOT steal any content of this page, as it is copyright Tony Emerson, 2000
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Tony, with a graceful double kickflip
You can expect to see much more of me hurting myself and destroying the potential of any strength left in my bones 10 years from now.
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