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Should Prostitution Be Legalize? (Speech)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh
Indonesian people saying "Tidak ada gading yang tak retak"
By that sentence we can see that everything has a weakness, the same within the country. Every country has their own problem, one of the problem that they might have is prostitution.
So today i am here to deliver my speech about should prostitute be legalize?
Prostitution has been a part of our world's culture since the beginning of time, and is the world's oldest profession. Ever since the beginning of time man has felt the need to pay for services of a sexual nature, whether are legal or not. In our culture; however, prostitution has become a topic of debate concerning the merits of this profession's legality. In viewing the legalization of prostitution one must take into account all the pros and cons of the situation, but more importantly what is currently being done to rid society of the problem of prostitution as well as the lack of effect of these so call solutions.
The exploitation of prostitution is considered to be one of a serious global issue in most of the countries around the world. it remains difficult to view prostitution in an objective light as various cultures have alternately tried to ban it on religious or moralistic grounds, but necessary evil of society. It is interesting to note that despite an increasingly secularized attitude towards sexual relationships, as seen in society's increasing tolerance of homosexuality or pre-marital sex, prostitution retains much of its social stigma. Also, the number of prostitution is increasing extremely each year and seems to be more serious than the past centuries. However, yet very few to none of the countries have completely solved this problem. Saudi Arabia and Holands are two examples of the countries that prostitution is still considered to be a problem that the government of both countries cannot ignore. There are different solutions that Saudi Arabia and Holands have come up with to solve the problem.
The first and the most obvious difference between Saudi Arabia and Holands is the law for prostitution. The country has laws that protect prostitutes allowing the business to flourish. There are no pimps operating this business in the country, red light districts manage to keep the prostitutes away from schools and college areas hence seperating the public from its effects, women have doctors around the red light district who can perform tests and checks immediately. Overall, the situation is much more suitable for the women as well as relaxing for the profession. Local folks do not mind and feel that this system is much better than banning the profession.
By legalizing prostitution, at least the activity of prostitutes can be traced as they will willingly come forward for government aid against pimps and the mafia. Prostitutes suffer daily at the hands of pimps, getting abused for their bodies while the pimps reap rewards. Legalization will put an end to this as the women shall become their own boss and pay taxes to the government in return for its privilege and protection.
The security of the government will even reduce human trafficking cases in a country as prostitution can now no longer be done in the shadows. Those who wish to join must have registrations and also tax filings. This automatically makes the job of human traffickers and women peddlers harder. The abuse of young women by sex offenders shall decrease and men who simply wish to use prostitutes for their abusive nature shall find the jail an excellent place to stay in.
One final benefit of legalization of the world's oldest profession is medical care. Prostitutes shall lead a better and healthier life as they stay free from venereal issues and AIDs. The presence of a doctor all the time in the premises will save lives. Moreover, without a complete test, a customer will not be able to engage in sexual favors from a prostitute who has got no health issues. Such character certification from qualified doctors shall serve to protect and safeguard the good health of the prostitutes. According to the WHO, prostitutes live at the highest danger from catching STDs and in particular AIDs as they get abused by customers on a regular basis.
Meanwhile, Prostitution in Saudi Arabia is strictly illegal. Prostitution is punishable by prison and flogging. By this strict law, Saudi Arabia has pushed the number of crime, health care, suicide and divorce rates down below. This is shown us that Saudi Arabia put no mercy in this issues.
By comparing the example before, we can see that handling prostitution can be done in so many ways. We just need to choose wether our solution is acceptable by the society or not. You are the one who decide and react for the issues.
Finally, thank you for listening i'm feri listio from XI Social.
Wasalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh

By : Feri Listio