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Flipstylez was first just a word to describe people. For example, "You have FLIPSTYLEZ" according to one of the creators, Raendy. Why was this said? That's easy to answer. He told this to people because he wanted them to encourage them about their own culture! But the unexpected was soon to happen. Sometime around the winter of December 2002 and January 2003, we decided to have a little kick-back, you know, just us friends at Raendy's house. It seemed to be more of FAMILY rather than friends when we were in that house. This was the night FLIPSTYLEZ the krew was born. Gilbert, Raendy, Erickson, Randy, Brian, Dwayne, Iris, Naillene, and Lizzie were the first OFFICIAL FLIPSTYLEZ FAMILY. Then we began to add, and we reached what we thought was enough. 12. We added Meilani, Jane, and Jill. This was was FIRST complete group of FLIPSTYLEZ916, but due to some personal reasons, two members, Jane and Jill, dropped out. The best part is, WE STILL LOVE THEM no matter what their decision was, and we, as a krew, agreed that we would continue the love for them through thick and thin. As of right now, there are 10 of us in our MAIN CAST of FLIPSTYLEZ, but we also have many EXTENDED FAMILY MEMBERS. But, before I forget, WE HAVE CREATED a word that would make us UNIQUE as a group. The word 'COLLA' was born with FLIPSTYLEZ916, and this word is the equivalent of "HOLLA" in the ebonics form. This is our word, but is free to anyone to use, just as long as we are credited for it if asked where that word came from. So in conclusion, FLIPSTYLEZ is a FAMILY of FRIENDS whom just likes to have fun around one another, doing things for OTHERS, and being a friend in need WHENEVER there is someone who needs help or encouragement. REMEMBER, we are NOT here to CAUSE any problems to ANYONE, we are just a GROUP with a NAME, and also down to meeting new PEOPLE and GROUPS as well. =)

       .flipSTYLEZ916: Extended Family.

Ok well this is just my version, but well I think it was
the many kick backs we had and the member 
invited their friends and well they started 
to go to the kickbacks more often. Yea, but you know 
everyone just had there own, but yea I guess. HAHAHA!
ANYMORE HISTORY on EXT. family should be emailed or
Told to me someway! =)

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