I confess to being a self-proclaimed loner. It's not a bad thing if you look at it from my point of view. Thus I claim it and at times do even condemn myself to it. But note, there's a difference being a loner and alone. And I never said I was lonely.
Those who know me in general may have many difference ideas about me. Most would say thought that I am quiet.
Other opinions may vary quite a bit:
Friendly, helpful (when I want to be), secluded, talks too much, too trusting, loner, depressed,
too serious, loiterer, wanderer, cute, nice & stuff. Even short-tempered, kind, helpful, careless
with words, sarcastic (I am! I am.), spaced out, weird, cute, cutting, witty, smart, & likeable....
I can't and won't deny the claims,
I am all of that at times and not at all depending on the day and person and my moods, that's me. I won't change.
I'm the kind who likes to think, into music, books, poetry, bang on my piano, having time out with myself. I can be very
happy, and down-right depressed- Colorful in some ways. I have no one else to blame but me- though it is food for poetry.

Though a loner, I do love my friends and their company, the best of them have seen the worst of me, and that they still stay proves them worthy. Not worthy of my friendship (for everyone is, I am a friendly person), they are worthy of a medal of honors being able to stay faithful to a promise which I do tend to over test when I am in one of my fouler moods. :)
But I love them dearly and would do anything I can for them- they should know I appreciate it- Least I hope.

I am born a Hindu   \ and I will die a Hindu. I have never appreciated attempts to change that fact.

I am also born a Libran- rising Scorpio (that's where I got my wonderful sting from).. Blessed I am.

My Family, Poetry, Education, & Friends - the center of my very existence. Without which I cease.

Anyway... I am a student of Psychology and Malay Literature at the National University of Malaysia...

It's a wonderful place for me, and I love my field, though when tested it doesn't love me. hahahaa. Did I say I was a good student? No, that would be a lie. I will say that I am a good poet, but YOU do NOT have to agree. It is just for me, as long as it helps me be at ease with myself I am good. Otherwise I am not. I admit that I am not a good pianist, but I can play my own music, I just do not know how to write my own music. I wonder if I could find someone to write for me. Lyrics I Love.
I know that I am not a good author. I have 8 unfinished stories to prove it, and prose which I have ever written have not gone well with people- too much insanity.

Did I tell you that I am a happy person?? I am, when I write a poem which makes my friend smile or laugh or anything *grin*, and when I play a song correctly, When I watch a movie which I enjoy (alone or with company), when I complete and am satisfied with my assignments, after prayers, in company of my friends, or the company of dancing crickets, mute skies of sparkling stars, watching Mr. Moon, listening to the bullfrogs choir, feeling the light whistle of the silent wind.

I like being alone, that is when my mind is fertile and I think and get ideas and write, plan, orchestra my whole life- though the piece may change later.

    I also cannot fail to mention my addiction for Coca-cola. It is a part of me and my character. Ask anyone!! *grin* COKE AND I : FOREVER AND ALWAYS!

I want to do something good with my life, perhaps with my career, poetry or my bare hands if I must- to help people... "Make a Change..." said Michael.

I don't want to go down in the History books, or the Guinness Book of Records or be a Nobel Prize Winner. I don't care to be known by the world... I just perhaps, want to be known and remembered by the individuals whom I am able to help and change for the better- if I am ever so bold to claim that I will be able to do that someday, with of course- the blessing of God...

And of course as they say, "Before you can help others, you must help yourself."
I am not without my shortcomings. But I try to overcome them.

I am only Human.

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