you'll fade away last kiss before


a glimpse




the book

Oh wow, my website is really sucky. I have a new one up at I just have to update this page so it stays up!
Hello! I'm making another page...yes, yes...I know...This page is going to be great though. I's going to be absolutely fantastic...mindblowing...awesome...the 'Rolling Stone' is going to say it's a 'Smash Hit!'.
I'm currently working on another page, a fan page about The Tea Party! (Click here for the official site.) Or you can check out my pagehere. This is my first attempt using HTML on a webpage, so wish me luck and be understanding if things are a little out of place. Thank-you very much...

you wanted this so sad to see the sweet decay of ecstacy a frozen sun would guide you there as the shadows hide the deep despair and still you want it all i'll give you something more and youll fade away one last kiss before you fade away... so sleep tonight in idle dreams the pain will drown your silent screams

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