Flight Data Recorder - Software


The software is broken up in to modules for...

Common_Pin_Assignments: Common: Main: Timer: Input Modules:

There are Input Modules for...

All Input Modules have an Initialize procedure, a Self Test function, a Read Data procedure, and functions to get access to the raw data and convert the raw data to standard units of measurement. All Read Data procedures read the data 32 times to perform a software filter and remove jitter.

Output Modules:

There are Output Modules are for...

All Output Modules have an Initialize procedure, and a Self Test function (for consistency, but the Self Tests just return True) and Procedures to control the hardware.

Data Logger:

The Data Logger works in three modes...

  1. While waiting for a "Launched" condition it outputs the Sensor Data to the Debug port for testing and troubleshooting.
  2. After a Launch condition is detected it saves the raw data to EEPROM for later retrieval.
  3. Upload Data to a Laptop for analysis.
2005/01/13 - Software development came to a grinding hault!:
The BasicX-24 Module stopped accepting downloads
The BasicX-24 Module stopped accepting downloads. See entry for 2005/01/13 on the Hardware page.
Download the Code:




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